Chapter 23 { Dinner with the Villamore }

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Chapter 23 { Dinner with the Villamore }  

Mark Dave's P.O.V  

In just a matter of minutes and our last subject for this day will end. And i'm still stress if i should take her with me. Geez dad is really pressuring me. i'm having a headwrecking problem here because of that conversation with my him early this morning.  


I am having my breakfast with adobo which maria introduce to me. It's really good and man i cant get enough with them.Tssss i sound so gay. =__=!  

" are the food giving you some wacky faces son?"  

i haven't notice dad get down on the stairs. I just give him a questioning look on his statement a while ago.  

" you're smilling like an idiot son"  

really??so this is the effect of maria on me. Just a mere thought of her puts smile on my face.  

" so tell me who's this girl son"  

" it's nothing dad, i just remember an epic show, "  

i cant tell him the truth. Because surely she will be dad's center of attention and do some deadly stuff to her.  

" really? Oh i thouht it is this girl named krista alperez. So you woudn't mind if i'll play with her"  

" dad n0!! "  

how the heck he know about that. Ow shoot ..Duke... He's really not trustworthy.  

" i get you there son, so since she's your girlfriend would you mind inviting her to a dinner with us?" this scene is what i'm avoiding to happen.  

" but dad, sh.... She's a busy person. Right that's it!"  

" okay, then i'll meet with her without your knowledge, and i'll assure you, you won't like it" dad said in a more serious tone and the hell i don't like that he's leaving me with no choice.  

" okay dad let's have a dinner with her tonight" i said in defeat,  

" great! Make sure she passes my standard okay?" he said then tap my shoulder before leaving.  

>>>>>END OF FLASHBACK<<<<<  


' class dismiss '  

everyone move out of the room, but i still stay.  

" hoi!! Marky!! Tara na.. Uwian na po.. Lumililipad na naman yang utak mo sa mars.. Naku naku!!! " i love her more when she's this bubbly. I really w0nder if she's a bipolar girl.  

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