how you met part #2

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Thor and loki
You've known the Asgardian
princes for as long as you can remember, you practically grew up together.

Bruce banner
It was the first day of your new job, you were extremely nervous. You were Tony Starks new assistant and to say you were dreading your first day was an understatement. You'd heard a lot about Mr Stark, including his ability to flirt with anything has breasts( and Steve ) but you really needed this job and no matter what happens you were gonna try keep it.
You arrived at the avengers tower and nervously walked in, only to be greeted by Mr Stark. " so, you're my new assistant?" You glanced at him and nodded. " you seem shy.. we need to work on that" you nodded your head a light tint of red on your y/s/c ( your skin colour) face.
Mr Stark started walking and gestured for you to follow.
You went into the lab with Mr Stark and was introduced to a cute guy in glasses on.
" Bruce this is y/n. My new assistant" Bruce stuck his hand out for you to shake, anxiously you took it " nice to meet you" you say in a small voice.
"Nice to meet you too"

Sam wilson
You were up at five. And already out the door before the sun rose. You had promised yourself that you'd start jogging after your ex dumped you saying you were too 'unhealthy'. That asshole. So to prove them wrong you decided to do nothing. Because you don't change yourself for other people. But after your third tub of Ben and Jerry's ice-cream (and a lot of vodka) you decided to get your life together.
So here you are. Jogging at FIVE IN THE FUCKING MORNING! To say you were grumpy was the understatement of the century. But whatever.
Just as you made it past your second lap ( barely ) you were joined by an INCREDIBLY good looking guy.
"Hey I'm Sam" he says slowing down a bit so he is right next to you " I-im y/n " you say a little out of breath.

An hour and a half later, you were sat on a park bench talking.
"Your ex sound like a dick"
" honestly. That is totally true" you agree with a little laugh
" you need a guy that's sweet, in touch with his feelings... (can fly) possibly a black guy... name rhymes with ham"
You laugh " are you trying to ask me out?" "Definitely" he replied.
You smiled " we just met... you could be a murderer" he smiled at you and got up walking away. " meet me here, same time Tomorrow" he ended with a wink before running off.

Peter parker
You were walking around the living room of the avengers facility  listening to music and casually reorganising everything, when you heard your adopted uncle ( Tony )walk in. You removed your left headphone and looked at your 'uncle' and noticed he wasn't alone. With him was a guy around your age ( your 16 rn ) who was super cute. Like real cute. Holy shit. ' o fuck I'm starring' you thought as you look towards your 'uncle' and saw him smirking at you.
"Y/N this is peter. Peter, Y/N. im just going to leave... you guys can talk... BYE!" He yells leaving the room.

"Um..... hiya" you say smiling a little at him. He returns the smile and you go and sit on the sofa, pulling the other headphone back on/in and stretching across the cushions. Closing your eyes. You hear a little laugh and feel your legs move up and then back down. You open your eyes to see your legs on top of peters whilst he looks at his phone.
" can I borrow that for a sec." you ask pointing to his phone and sitting up. He looks at you confused but gives it to you anyway.
You go into his contacts and add your number before giving his phone back and getting up.
" call me" you say walking into your room, almost not noticing the blush on Peter's face

Wanda maximoff
You were clients long lost daughter and you were being introduced to the avengers. Whilst he was talking you eyes wandered over to a beautiful girl who's eyes were also on you and a light pink blush on her face. " y/n......Y/N" all eyes were on you and you felt your cheeks burn a bit. " y-yeah?" You say. You hear an obnoxious laugh come from across the room " looks like someone is a little distracted by our girl twin" Tony says wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Clint glares at Tony and stuck up your middle finger at him and wiggle it about.
"no need to be jealous Tony. Just because she's hotter than you" everyone starts laughing and Wanda face is entirely red.
Your dad grabs your arm and drags you out, but not before you dramatically wink at the gorgeous brunette.

Pietro maximoff
you guys met whilst you were shopping for more running shoes. He literally ran into you. You guys started talking and you ended up giving him your number.

Bucky barns
you were in the park taking pictures of the sunset when you decided you had enough and headed home. You were walking down an alleyway near your apartment ( stupid move bro) when you felt snd arm grab your bag and rip it off your shoulder. You turn to get it Back but then feel your arms trapped behind your back. " get off of me asshole" you say calmly.
They laugh at you and root through your bag
" LET GO OF ME YOU TWAT!" You yell trying to break free. You then feel your arms go loose and you hear a thud. You quickly punch the guy holding your bags, knocking him out instantly. " that was unexpected" Grabbing your bags, you quickly turn around to see a guy in a hat. "who are you?" You ask. "Uh.... I'm Bucky." You could tell by his voice he wasn't entirely sure. " nice to meet you Bucky. I'm y/n. Thank you for helping me" you say with a small smile. "It was no problem" he say with what you are sure is a smile. But it's hard to tell because it's dark.  "Goodnight Bucky" you say walking off.
The mystery man never leaving your mind

Sorry some are short, lack of inspiration remember buckysbitchtho if want wanna

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