Moving in together

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not many people get asked to move in with a pizza.
To be completely honest, you loved it.
Pizza is your favourite food.
Tony is your favourite person.
Put them together, perfect combination
So when it happened, you were ecstatic and quickly ran to pack your things.


Your fist flew at his face and he ducked just in time.
Your ponytail bounced and danced as you took another swing at him, this one hit him square in the face, making him lose balance enough for you to sweet your leg under him and pin him to the ground.

" move in with me" Steve says from under you.

" I would love to Steve"


The sun was high in the sky and there wasn't a cloud in sight.
What were you and Clint doing in this fine day you ask?

Having a pillow fight.
A pillow fight that only started because you asked Clint to move in with you, and in his excitement he flung a pillow that hit you directly in the face.

Two hours later, you both fall to the floor. Exhausted.

" you never actually answered me " you say. Turning to face him.

" I didn't?" He rolls over into his back, and grabs your hand. " hellz yeah


Autumn leaves lay on the ground.
The sun was setting and you and Natasha were sat under a willow tree.
Your head was resting on top of her shoulder and your eyes were closed, letting the cool breeze ripple past you. You listened to the leaves rustle around you.

" Natasha "
You open your eyes and move to face her.

" Move in with me?"

She smiles.

" I would love to"


The bed you were laying in dipped as Bruce got in.

" we should get a place together "

" Sounds fun"


You scream at the top of your lungs.


Sam pops his head out from behind the kitchen door.

" yay"  he says throwing a bag of salted popcorn at your head.

" thanks slut" you say opening the bag, grabbing a handful and throwing it at him.

" because of that, you have to move in with me" he says poking you.

" oh no! How will I survive." You say hiding a smile.

He laughs and leans in to kiss you, you quickly dodge and shove him away.

" move, Derek is on tv"

It's time.

Finally it's your eighteenth birthday. You and peter had been planning on getting an apartment for ages now.
Tony had promised to help pay for it until you both get a job.

" are you ready"
You say, standing at your front door, a box in your arms.

" let's do this"

" okay, now add 125ml of red wine"

" done, what next"

"Um? 6 cherry tomatoes "
You grab the tomatoes and threw them in the pot.

" you're supposed to cut them In

" oh shit"

You and Wanda were trying to make spaghetti bolognese.
It really wasn't going well, you were both covers in sauce and so was half the kitchen.

" where's the garlic bread?"

" we don't have any, I ate it as a midnight snack last night"

" the whole-"

" yup."

It was honestly a disaster, but it was your two year anniversary so.

' Wanda, will you move in with me....  ugh no. Ummm. Wanda I love you, move in.? No. You, me, house, wads you say? Ughhhh'

You were trying to think of the best way to ask her to move in with you. It wasn't going to well.

" yes I will move in with you." You hear her voice from behind you and you spin around so quickly you nearly slip on some sauce.

" really??!"

" yes" she says before softly grabbing your face and pulling you in for a passionate kiss.

Your eyes are closed, your hands outstretched.

" Why did i have to close my eyes, this is weird "

You feel a heavy box get placed onto your hands and open your eyes.

" new shoes " you say raising a brow.

" look inside turtle " you smile at the nickname and open the box, in between two gorgeous black heels, is a key. You look up at him. Confused.

" it's a key to my house, that I just bought, do you want to move in?"

" YESS" you scream jumping into his arms.

" let me go change, I've got to break into my new heels"

You don't remember much from last night.
What you do remember is a blur.

What you can make out of that is... you moved in with Bucky.

But he doesn't know, because he is away on a mission for a couple weeks.

So now his house is filled with your things.

You have made a promise to yourself tho.

You will never drink tequila again.

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