break ups

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" so this is it then, it's all over?"
You sigh and let go of Tony's hand.
" I guess it is" he replies sadly.
" it was amazing whilst it lasted " you lower your head.
" you will always be my best friend y/n, I just don't love you like I used too"
You smile sadly at him.
" you will always have me Tony, relationship or not. I will always be there for you" you slowly stand up.

" thank you Tony, for everything " and with that you pick up your bag and leave the building.

You can't handle it anymore.
You know he acts like this because he cares.
But sometimes.... it's too much.
Your grandfather has just passed away, yes, Steve wants to be there for you. But when you told him that you wanted to go alone, you wanted to mourn with your family. He didn't take it so well.
" but y/n  you could get hurt, something might happen " he would say. To which you replied " I will be okay Steve" and he reluctantly agreed.

You come back hours later, you and your sister return to your shared apartment to find Steve sat on the sofa with a worried look on his face.
You and y/s/n share a look and she walks into the kitchen, keeping an eye on you both.
" y/n, how are you? Are you okay? Did anything happen at the funeral? Did someone hurt you?"
" hey Steve... shut up. I'm not okay, I'm anything but okay.. my grandad just fucking died! And no, nobody hurt me, you need to stop asking me every time I come home!"
" I just want to-"
" No! I'm talking now Steve, you are going way too far with this protection thing, I mean I'm a grown ass woman and I have a fucking curfew! That is not normal" you look into his eyes and see tears, but they don't fall.

" I just wanted to protect you" he says in a small voice.
" that isn't your job anymore steve."
You looks you into your eyes
" are you breaking up with me?" His voice is shaky.
"yes" you say looking down at the floor.
You hear the front door open and then slam shut, and you break down. Your sister comes rushing to your side.
"it's going to be okay"

Everything had changed.
You still loved Clint, you believed he was your soulmate. But the world was different now, and so were you.
" I hate this, I don't want to end our relationship clint" He placed his hand on your cheek.
" neither do I, but it's too dangerous right now. Just remember I'm always going to love you, no matter what happens"
You smile up at him with tears in your eyes.
"I love you too Clint Barton" you whisper as he walks away from you.

Loud yells were echoing throughout the apartment. You and Natasha were arguing and you had no idea why.
What had started as playful and fun had now turned into WW3 in her living room. Things were being thrown, walls punched. Most of that was you, Natasha was worse. Much worse.
It had gotten to the point where you are both crying out of anger.

" I FUCKING HATE YOU!" Natasha screamed at you, her words hurt, but it didn't bother you at the moment.

and with that you storm out and head home.

Bruce was down in the lab.
You understand it's his job, but.. you haven't seen your boyfriend in 6 days.
And you are in the same fucking building.
You were upset, angry ,definitely not thinking clearly and a little drunk.
So you grabbed your bag, shoved some stuff into it, and walked down to the lab.

" Bruce, I'm leaving to stay with my sister for a while "
He lifts his head to look at you.
" why?"
" I think we should break up,"

One word.
He's been spending way too much time with Jane and basically, your pissed. So one night, you and Loki got reallly drunk.... and you dumped Thor.

Definitely regretted it in the morning, but your pride got in the way. So now you are lacking a boyfriend. And gaining a headache.

" well maybe it isn't your choice what I do with my life"
You and Loki had been having this argument for about three hours. He found out you had bought a home down on Midgard and he wasn't too happy about it.


It had started as a small disagreement, now he was bringing up every mistake you have ever made.

" well I don't" he was angry. He didn't mean what he was saying. But he still said it.
" I can't be with someone who doesn't support the choices I make "
The yelling had died down and you were both stuck in a sad silence.
And you left, leaving the sad, black haired man alone.

You and Sam were sat on his bed, your head was readying in your hands and Sam was staring at the wall. You both loved each other more than anything in the world. But it felt different, you had started talking to each other less, and your relationship was purely physical. Don't get me wrong, the sex is great... but you miss the romance.

" do you think we should stop dating for a while" the sound of Sams voice had snapped you back to reality.

" you already know the answer to that"

" I'm so damn sorry y/n " he turned to look you directly in the eyes.
" it's not your fault.... we've just, drifted apart I guess" your voice was shaky as you stood from the bed

" maybe... someday we can try again" you say, before leaving him.

It was bad
It started as a small crush.
Peter knew, he could tell you where pulling away, Because he was too.

" Peter I think we need to talk" you say walking over to his desk
" I think so too"
🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸 skip 🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸

An hour had passed and you two where still talking.
" so you agree?"
" I do"
" gotta say, people describe break ups as one of the worst things they can experience... I definitely agree "
You smile sadly at his comment.

" I'll see you at school peter"

" this is getting bad." You say running your hands through your hair. You and Wanda had been fighting a lot recently.
" what happened to us?" Wanda says walking up to you.
" I don't know... it was so amazing when it started, I don't know what changed"

" do you think..... maybe it's a sign?" She says sadly.
" maybe taking a break will be good for us. Let's just be friends for a while"

" it's been fun Wanda"

" goodbye y/n"



I know... It's been a while but u know... life.

✌ out motherfuckers

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