Proposal : Pietro

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You and Pietro walked hand in hand down the crowded streets of New York.

" it's hot as fuck right now" you complain. " wanna pick me up and run around for like....... an hour" you say giving him your best puppy dog eyes.

He smiles and bends Down a bit.
" hop on."

You giggle and jump onto his back, wrapping your arms around his neck. Your legs wrapped around his waist.

" ONWARD PEASANT " you yell as he starts to run.


Hours later, you and Pietro were laying on a roof somewhere in Paris. ( your go to place) you look over at Pietro and smile.

" oh my god" you laugh " I think you have cake in your hair!" You smile and pull the bit of chocolate cake out of Pietro's hair.

" I was saving it for later" he says " also I was going to ask you if you would marry me?"

Your eyes go wide and you sit up straight. " if that was you asking, yes I will marry you"

The rest of the night, you two hung around Paris. Drinking.  Eating. Drinking.



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