Year Anniversary: Thor

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A light breeze flowed over you, through the trees and grass.
Your dress was swaying around your ankles and you quickly moved to sort out the silky fabric. On top of your head rested a gold tiara. You had noticed it on your bed earlier in the day with a note.
'my lady y/n it would be great if you could accompany me to a dinner in the garden'

You were walking towards the garden where Thor had first asked you out.
Your heels clicked on the little pathway and you tucked a piece of y/h/c hair behind your ear ( if you can ).

You arrived at the garden and saw Thor sitting at a table that was covered in food. All around the table there were little lanterns hanging from trees and some just resting on the floor.

" Thor, this is beautiful" you smile your eyes connect and he walks over to you.
His hand reaches under your hair below your ear, his thumb caressing your cheek. Suddenly You see him, his eyes revealing more than his words can express. Your lips part and your breaths mingle. Your heart flutters as he draws you to his lips.  Your lips meet in a short but passionate kiss. The type that when you break away your both left breathless.

Your closed y/e/c eyes reopen and you see Thor looking at you with a smile.

You awkwardly clear your throat
" so... dinner?"

Sorry these are all short. Buttt quality over quantity. And all that shit.
✌ out motherfuckers

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