Year Anniversary: Pietro

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I'm in fucking Paris.

That was the only thought going through your brain at the moment.

" that's the Eiffel Tower!" You had a huge smile on your face as you jumped into Pietro's arms and hug him as tight as you can.  " oh my god I love you" you mumble into the crook of his neck.

🌫🌫🌫🌫 skip 🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫

As the city came out of the darkness of night, you crossed the Seine in silence. The noises of passing cars should've spoiled the mood, but not so far away lay The Eiffel Tower, like a skeleton of metal projecting up into a sky that was rapidly becoming blue. A morning like this should be foggy, misty at the least, but it looked to be a story-book perfect day in Paris. Many People hurried to get where they needed to be. Even early hours like this, it was still quite a busy place.

" this is amazing"
You look up at the sky, the darkened blue sky was turning lighter and you could feel your eyes start to get heavy. " do you want to go home?" You shook your head, determined to keep this day going for as long as you can.

" I don't want to leave yet"
You leaned into his chest " lets at least stay for one more hour" you smiled up at the Eiffel Tower.

" I've dreamt of coming here for years"
" I know"
" how?"
" your y/s/n told me"
" that snitch"

Oh shit yeah, what Pietro got you

I swear they get shorter but whatever

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I swear they get shorter but whatever.
✌ out motherfuckers

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