asking out #1

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You and Tony were great friends, but you liked him more than platonically. And he felt the exact same way, you guys knew of each other's feelings but never really got around to talking about it. Every time you tried you were interrupted.

Anyways, you were sat downstairs with Tony whilst he worked on his ironman suit.
" we should go on a date" you say, making him jump and bang his head. " I mean we like each other, not to mention your pretty hot and I'm like, incredibly gorgeous... so we should go on a date." He looks at you and laughs " very good point, and I completely agree with the gorgeous thing.." he winks at you and gets back to working. " is that a yes?" You ask. "Uh huh" you groan. " I need verbal confirmation, douche waffle" he smiles, looks you in the eyes and says.

"YES YES A MILLION TIMES YES!" You groan and walk out, sticking your middle finger up at him.

Steve rogers
You were in the gym waiting for Steve to show up. An hour and a half passes and he still hasn't appeared.
" dude seriously he better have died" you say getting up, you hear the door open and see Steve running towards you in jeans and a ( TIGHT) top. And... hold on. A bouquet?

" y/n. I'm so sorry I'm late, I overslept... sort of, um and all my clothes were dirty and I couldn't find any nice flowers, also I didn't know what your favourite flower was so I got you these?"

You took the bouquet of daisies and place them on a bench.
" thank you, they are beautiful. Also my favourite flowers are y/f/f"
You say placing your hand on top of his.

" so... why the flowers?"
You see him blush a little
" um, well I wanted to know if maybe you wanted to go on a date, w-with me obviously.. well I mean u don't have to, I can't force you into doing anythi-"

" I would love to Steve"

Clint Barton ( this is super cliche)

So basically you were training in S.H.E.I.L.D HQ when an arrow was shot out of nowhere and skimmed the ear of your opponent, surprised you accidentally kicked the guy in the crotch.

You cover your face with your hands and try not to laugh, running towards the arrow whilst the guy was groaning on  the floor. Pulling the arrow out of the wall you notice a note.

'Wanna go on a date? - katniss' you giggled and looked around the room and spot him sitting on a platform.

" wow, romantic dude" you laughed and " YES TO THE DATE"

Natasha romanoff ( my queen)
Natasha was a straight forward person, so when she asked you there was no problem.

And she is a fucking gorgeous girl, so you said yes.

Definitely noticing the effect you have on her.


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