Inside jokes

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Tony: Don't be so DEMANDING.

This had actually become an inside joke for you because of one night when you were watching a tv show.
You and Tony were sat on the sofa watching a documentary about... I have no idea actually. I think... penguins? You had gotten bored and got up to get a drink.
" get me something " Tony yells from the living room.
" No!" You yell back, grabbing a bottle of cherryaid and pouring some into a cup.

" Don't be so DEMANDING!!!" You scream back.

And that's how that was born.


Steve: You sure did * finger guns*

If you don't know where this came from you should go back to how you met.
Anyways after that happened Steve wouldn't leave it alone, and you two would say it after some of the avengers talk sometimes.

It's awesome.


Clint: more-salad.

You and Clint were watching the originals and when marcel came on you accidentally called him more salad.
No idea how.
But you did.
And to this day... whenever you see marcel, you both scream out more-salad.


Natasha: you left the Nutella downstairs.

You hat been reading a fanfic about Aiden from teen wolf. You started quoting this to Natasha and it became a joke between you both.
When you do it in public everyone looks at you both like you're weird.


Bruce: Daniel Radcliffe hates green things.

I actually don't know how this happened. It just one day sprouted and now you can't forget about it.

Sam: Bird sauce

You guys were eating and Sam asked you to try some of his coleslaw and you thought he said " you should try my bird sauce" 
you literally stared at him for ten minutes before blurting out " no thanks, all full on bird sauce" and
looking confused when he burst out laughing didn't help.

It was awesome


Peter: sHnoop-a-loop
Come on you should know this one.
He literally never forgot you saying that.
Sometimes when it's too quiet, one of you will just blurt out a little sHnoop-a-loop whilst making creepy faces.
Both of you will die laughing.
Aunt may never understood and neither of you want to explain. It's funnier that way.

Wanda: Joaquin

You two were watching riverdale.
You met Joaquin and immediately fell in love, with the name. You would say it all the time.
Soon enough Wanda started to join in.
Annoying everyone that has ever met you.

Pietro : falling up the stairs.

It's your thing.
You don't fall down the stairs, you fall up the stairs.
And when you do, he doesn't help. He laughs, and makes fun of you.
It's a thing.

Trust me.


Let's be real, we all know why this is an inside joke between you both.
It comes up every time you get drunk.
So far you have recruited
Natasha  and Sam.
Almost Bucky.
Almost. But not yet. Keep trying

Yo! All of these are inside jokes between me and my laws awesome sisterbitchyb3th2

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