Chapter 8

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He must have caught me looking at him as he shifts uncomfortable. Once again I'm snapped out of reality. "Hey there" he smiled at me and he was now standing in front of me. "Oh hi Ash, how are you?" Why can't I forget about him it's so weird. I don't even know him. For all I know he could be fool. "Great! Now we need to get to know each other. Don't worry I won't stalk you!" He chuckles and I join with him. "Am well what do you want to know? I'm an open book" I lie. I haven't told anyone about my dad and I plan on not to. "Tell me your story." He sounds so interested.

"Am.. Well I was born here in Boston, but we moved back to my parents hometown Galway, in Ireland. My extended family lives there. Am.. I'm an only child and I've lived in Boston now for about 10 years and I love it. But I don't like the American accent. Like I don't mind it but the strong accent is so annoying!" He's laughing hysterically at me or with me I can't tell. "What?" I'm blushing now. "Nothing, nothing proceed" he's still holding in his laugh.

"No tell me!" I pout.

"It's just your nose twitches when you talk" he bursts into laughter

"Stoopppp" I know my nose twitches when I laugh but nobody really notices it until now I suppose.

"It's cute." He's blushing now. He has a girlfriend what is happening.

"Let's play Soldiers!" Shouts Michael.

"What's Soldiers?" I ask Ashton. I've never even heard of it before? "Well all the girls have to go out of the room and we have to tell ye there is a line of soldiers who are willing to demonstrate quick or slow firing." Okay this is weird. "What the..." "Shh let me finish. We have to form a line beside each other shoulder to shoulder, also the lights have to be off. In turn each girl is asked if they would like a quick or slow firing. The girl is then pushed into the room and shouts her answer to the 'soldiers' if she choses a quick firing the boys have to give the girl a quick kiss or if they chose a slow firing, the boy gets a longer kiss. it's quite fun actually" will he be playing though? I highly doubt it he has a girlfriend like? "Will you be playing Lucy?" He questions me. I'm put on the spot should I play? It does sound fun. But I have only ever kissed one boy in my life. It was when I was 14 and it was horrible and extremely awkward. We were friends and all our friends had their first kiss and we just wanted to get it over and done with so we just did it.

"Am well who's playing there's only us 3 girls and Cam and your girlfriend are taken" I sigh. Ashton chokes on his Aero bar. "W... W.. What did you say? Girlfriend? No! Me and Rosie are just pretending to be going out with each other for a night because we lost to a bet" he shifts uncomfortably. "Oh I'm sorry! I just thought.. well you just looked.. Erm.. forget I said anything" I cringe oh my god Ashton is actually single. "It's cool honestly stop anyone would probably think that. I'm just an amazing actor you know?" He nudges and winks at me. I'm melting inside. "Well we still need more girls." "And guys Luke buts in, we need way more, the line has to be at least with 8 lads. 8 boys!! What! I have to kiss 8 boys and I've only ever kissed one.

"Amm I don't think I wanna play anymore." Being the innocent little girl I am. "Why? Aw come on it'd be fun." Ash Is getting excited. Ha. "I just don't feel comfortable." I admit. "Why though you've definitely kissed a lot of frogs haven't you?" His humour never fails to put a smile on my face. "Well 1 actually." I admit. "What!! No your lying how have you only ever kissed one guy?" He's astonished. "I like the quote classy not trashy" I joke. But seriously I don't want to be a slut. "I think you should give it a shot you might enjoy it." Winking at me again. Is he flirting with me. "Fine" I roll my eyes.

Luke came back with 5 girls and 3 guys enough for 7 girls 7 boys oh wow. One girl named Cassie was first. "Have fun Cas" Rosie squeals. While we wait outside I take this opportunity to talk to Rosie.

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