Chapter 9

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That was the first dream I had about Ashton Irwin. It felt so real to me and I honestly wish it was true. I woke up sweating and I wish i woke up to him laying beside me. I can't control my feelings for him. I want to be able to resist him but no matter how hard I try I fail each time.

Suddenly I was snapped out of reality with my phone buzzing. It was my mother. "Hello" I say with a sleepy voice. I can't even remember last night what happened? Did we even go to the clubhouse. The dream seemed like reality so I don't know which bit was real? "Rise and shine darling! How's the lake?" She's really chirpy today this morning for 9 o'clock. "Great, oh mum he.. I mean it's beautiful." Oh god. "Lucy I think there may be a boy in the picture" I can imagine the big grin come across her face. "No no I'm just too tired my words are getting mixed up, I can't even think straight, remember I've..." I didn't realise I was rambling on. My mum knows me too well. I always ramble on when I'm lying. "Oh okay, don't tell me" she's teasing me I know It. "He has a girlfriend mum and nothing would happen he lives in Australia." I didn't realise he'd be going back until saying it. "Awh no it's okay hunny just have fun. I've gotta go work now okay bye say hello to Cams parents for me. Love you." We exchange goodbyes and I wake cam up and discuss last night with her.

"We just went to the lake, we met Calum and you met Ashton and were talking for ages and then we went back to our cabin to get change because Calum invited us to the clubhouse party. But we fell asleep and ya." She says. Oh my god. "Why is something wrong?" she looks at me with her piercing green eyes. "No no I just couldn't remember anything I must of hit my head, ya probably off the closest, of maybe the counter.. " I trail off. Lying again.

"So.. What ya wanna do today?" She sounds very adventurous. "Hmm.. Any ideas?" I think we should go out fishing on the lake but I know Cam absolutely hates the smell of fish. And Jordan is coming out tonight so if she goes near them she'll smell like fish for the rest of having the day. That is unacceptable to Cam. "We could hang out with my parents for awhile. I never even texted not called them last night." She sounds guilty. "Ya I don't mind."

Bill is sick so Cams mum is gone to the hospital with him for an appointment. "Girls don't leave the lake okay!" Poor Bill is really sick and is constantly vomiting. Cam thinks it may be food position. "Yes mum don't worry we'll be fine, were old enough" we wave them goodbye and wait until there car is no longer in sight.

"I need to go over the plan for tonight!" Cam is really putting effort into her boyfriends arrival. She plans on having fairy lights out of the back porch in our cabin, a table for two and romantic music in the background. She is also cooking for him. She's preparing him beef lasagna, his favourite. And even baked him a cake for their one year anniversary. Finally as a gift she gathered all the memories of them together like pictures, cinema tickets those sorta things and has them on a massive piece of card. It took her a lot of time, she was up for 3 hours just arranging the gift. It's really cute and it just highlights the amount of time yet spend together and how long they really have been going out.

"Is the gift okay Lucy? Or is it really stupid?"

"Stop it! It's so creative and thoughtful! I can't wait to see what he's come up for you."

"I hope I'm not expecting too much..."

Then suddenly Jordan bursts in through the door with all our gang and.. And they're drunk. They're eyes are all bloodshot are they're words are slurred.

"Hey babe! Happy anniversary!" Jordan slurs.

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