Chapter 31

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Ashton's POV:
"Hey babe, I hope your settling in back in Ireland, I miss you, enjoy the wedding."


God I miss her so fucking much! I hate feeling like this. Whenever she's not here i can barely get out of bed in the mornings. And when I do I am so bored! I'm just empty without her and god it's been so long since I've seen her. I just can't stop thinking about her. It's 6:08 p.m and The day feels like I've been living a whole century.

Today I'm going to mums and bring her into the hospital. Just for a check up. The usual, blood tests, examinations the usual.

I borrowed Calum's car, not like he drives it anywhere. Fucking idiot owns a car and hasn't even passed his driving test. Typical Calum.

I was on my way to mums. The weather is pure shit. It's meant to be July and it's pissing rain. And not to mention the car is rocking while I drive because of the wind. It's like a tornado out there.

Suddenly my phone vibrates. My heart racing, hoping it's a call from Lucy, but know fucking unknown number.

"Hello" I groaned.

"Eh hello? Mr. Irwin?"

"Speaking? Who's this?"

"Sorry sir, I'm Helen, your mother is in excruciating pain and is in surgery right now here in Boston Regional Hospital."

I immediately slammed the breaks.

"What! How come you didn't ring me sooner? How long has she been in there?!"

"She was brought in this morning when a neighbour noticed her screaming for help and immediately dialled 911."

"Well why the fuck didn't you even think of notifying me?" I was panicking and outraged with anger. How the fuck did they not think of calling me until now?!

"I'm sorry sir. I understand your frustration, but you need to come down here right away."

All I did was hang up. I was in shock, my hands were shaken. I don't know if I'm prepared for what is about to happen next. I sat there, my body frozen. Inside I was screaming "MOVE ASHTON!" But my body disobeyed. Then I just broke down. I started roaring and kicking and screaming punching the car wheel. I can't go threw with this on my own. I need Lucy here.

My hand then made its way back over to my phone and dialled Lucy's number. I couldn't give a fuck what time it was over there. I needed her to tell me what to do.

After 5 rings she finally answered.

"Ashton? Is everything ok?"

I bit my lip and somehow pulled myself together. I wasn't breaking down. Maidenly I realised I was being selfish. She is over in Ireland all excited for her mothers wedding, for once she's stress free and doesn't have to deal with any problems I have. I don't wanna ruin that.

"Hi babe, I just wanted to hear your voice that's all. How's Ireland?"

"Oh shut up you, I miss you so much Ash, I really wish you could be here with me. It's great yeah, the big day is tomorrow! Can you imagine, finally it has come!"

"I know! I miss you loads, I can't wait to see you soon. I have to go now I'm driving I'll call you tomorrow."

"Ok Ash, talk to you tomorrow"

"Bye babe."

I hung up.

"Ashton your not running away this time" I roared and stepped on the pedal and raced down to the hospital."

When I got there a ran through the doors and rushed to the counter.

"Where is Mary Irwin?!" I screamed tears streaming down my face.

The woman behind the counter tapped on the computer cautiously and carelessly taking her fucking time.

"Can her fingers not move any fucking faster?! Where is my mum?!!" I slammed my fists on the counter, frightening the woman. Fucking deserved it, made her move quicker.

"J..just down the hall, 3rd room on the right." She looked at me with fear in her eyes. As I turned around I noticed I had an audience staring at me with fear in there eyes. Mothers putting their sons behind they're backs 'protecting' them from me. As if I'd go near them. Old men looking at me shaking they're heads. I just roll my eyes and run down the hall.

"3rd room on the right" I whispered to myself. "1,2,3!" I look in the window to see mum lying in her bed, lifeless. I pulled over a chair and sat down beside her, took her hand into mine and kissed it.

I stared at her, picking up every detail of her face and body. She is as pale as a ghost. Her prefect sculpted face was know fading away. Her eyes were closed and her hair was covering some of her face. I moved it away, thankfully not waking her up. I didn't need a giving out to and another scared face.

I just sat there. Just thinking. What have I done? What has she done to end up like this? Sure we've all made mistake, but we've all tried to make it better. I can't stand this pain anymore. I just wanna pretend it's not real and she's gonna wake up with a huge smile and give me a tight hug. And tell me it's all gonna be ok and she's back. I'm slipping off the edge. I'm not happy anymore and I just want her back. I can't explain. I can't be the adult anymore. She needs to be here with me. How could this have happened? What even happened. I'm sick of this. My mind was interrupted with a knock. It was a doctor.


"Y..yes" I stuttered.

"You may want to step outside." He motioned towards the door.

He looked around over 50. Short, old man with a hump. He had black hair with streaks of grey going through it. His eyes were dropped but a deep sea blue colour.

I got up and slowly made my way outside.

"Your mother is very strong. We all didn't expect her to survive this surgery."

"That's good! Isn't it good! I knew she would. She.."

"Mr. Irwin.."


"Ashton, your mother has a very uncommon condition, not alone have a cancerous Tumour in her brain that is un-removable, she is also diagnosed as being bipolar and having alzimers. Unfortunately the cancer has spread to everywhere in her body."

"No, no,no"

"Unfortunately there is nothing we can do from here onwards. Now we can put her on life support but.."

"I know it's useless.."

"Not useless, it's just most people expect a miracle to happen, that they will wake up, but in most case scenarios it's unfortunate."

"Is she ever gonna wake up?" I stuttered

"Maybe, but she will wake up confused, but her brain will function the way it used to before she was diagnosed with cancer, but only for a few hours, then it will kick in and I advise you to spend those hours with her wisely And just to be there for her and tell her everything you've never got to say with hearing a response from her."

My heart skipped a beat. This was finally it. I knew this day was gonna come sooner or later. And as selfish as I sound, I prayed and hoped for the outcome to be later. I looked into the room where mum lay. She looked so peaceful yet sick. My fingers went numb and I couldn't think straight. I wasn't realising I was crying so much and I felt a hand on my back. It was the fucking doctor. Obviously trying to console me. I wanted to shove his arm off, but my body stood there, frozen. All I did was stare at mum. I just didn't know what else to do.

This was finally the end..

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