Chapter 26

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Ashton's POV:

I looked around to see if anyone is here, my urge to protect Lucy is remarkable. I dont want her ever to experience pain. I know I'm over protective but I love her and it's all I intend to do while I'm with her. She's my number one priority now, her and mum. I haven't checked up on her in months. How is she doing? Is she happy? Where even is she? Why hasn't she got in contact with me? I had a reason. Normally mothers called there loved ones don't they?

The look on Lucy's face is priceless! She looks like she's shitting herself. I laughed, after all I was only taking her to a video store.

"Why you laughing?" She frowned. Still taking caution to her surroundings.

"Nothing it doesn't matter, look we're here."

She looked over at the video store and furrowed her eyebrows. "What?"

"We're goig to buy a movie and go back home I need to see my boys and you need to get home."

Suddenly the girl I fell in love with jumped right back to her rightful place. Her smile grew with her cute cheeks blushing. Her eyes glistened and she just looked beautiful.

That's my girl.

She ran over to me and squeezed me so tight as she could. And kissed my cheek making me weak from her touch.

"C'mon you pick the movie." I put my hand on her lower back and we walked into the store.

Lucy's POV:

As soon as we were inside the video store a thin tall man from behind the counter approached ashton.

"Ashton Irwin! Long time to see mate." He had a British accent on him. He didn't look he would be friendly at all with Ashton.

They were complete opposites. This guy wore a red chequed jumper, mustard chinos and some loafers. His face is scientifically symmetrical, his eyelashes are longer than Covergirl mascara models, his eyes sparkle brighter than Sirius, his jaw line is so sharp it's offensive, his hairline is low signifying that he will never bald, his nose is ideal, his lips are pinker than freshly blossomed petunias, his skin is soft and wears no signs of scarring. I never would expect this guy to be involed with Ash.

"Bradford Boy!" He opened his arms and they shared a cute moment.

"Shut up you! How have you been man! It's been years!" He looked like he was lost in his imagination.

"I know! I was just so busy, looking after mum and all." He scratches his head, his hand still on my lower back. I felt relaxed. This guy was friendly, he looked around the same age as Ashton.

"Oh yes! How is she?" Zayn folded his arms and looked genuinely concerned about Ashtons mother. So am I, I never asked him.

"Eh, she's good yeah, well really she's the same but she's slightly improving." Ashton gave a small smile.

"Well tell her I hope she's good and I'm sure she missed her little fav boy." Zayn winked at Ash and they both laughed.

I like to see Ashton so happy. Whenever his dimples show, which he doesn't let happen a lot lets me know he's happy and he doesn't care. It makes me happy too. Zayn looked really happy to see Ash too.

I'm still so surprised Ashton could be 'best friends' with such a completely different person to his surroundings. I suppose that's stupid to say because look at myslef. I'm completely different to Ashton. Yet I can't keep away. What the fuck is it about him.

It's just him.

"So you've ended up here?" Ashton chuckles to himself.

"Shut up , have you even a job?" Zayn raises an eyebrow while he's stacking some DVDs.

"Ah mate don't be an ass."

Zayn just chuckles again.

"And who's this?" Zayn questions giving me a friendly smile.

I returned one.

"This is Lucy, eh we've just started dating I guess, only early days." Ashton rubs his hand down alone my make making me shiver. Hearing those words melts my heart. Picturing myself from the day we first met, never thought we'd end up here, Ashton confirming we're dating.

"Wow!" Zayn looks gobsmacked. But happy. "Well lady it's a pleasure to finally meet the girl to tame this wild boy." Zayn ruffles Ashtons hair.

"Knock it off dude." Shoving Zayn.

"Ye look so cute, different kind of couple but cute. Kinda like the movie 'When Harry met Sally'. "

"Oh my god!" I squealed jumping up and down covering my mouth moments later just realizing. What I've done. "Eh sorry" I blushed.

"It's ok babe, Ashton kissed my head." Zayn had this massive grin on his face and I coundnt help but blush, he winked at me too.

"Guessing i know the movie you want Luce?" Ashton looked down at me and smiled.

I slowly nodded my head.

"Come with me" Zayn nodded to Ash.

"Be right back babe." Ash winked at me.

"Ok" I called back.

I rooted around to see if we could buy any more DVDs. I found a couple classics 'Titanic' 'The Notebook' loads! But I wanted to get a horror too. don't know why but I just had this urge to watch a scary movie. I picked out 'insidious' and made my way to the counter. Waiting for the boys to come out.

Soon enough the did.

"Zayn call me soon man and we can catch up!" Ashton gave Zayn heads up.

"Sure man anytime!" See you guys later.

"Nice meeting you Zayn." I smiled at him.

"You too sweetheart. Was lovely to meet you, next time we meet I can introduce you to my girlfriend, ye would get along perfect!"

He had a girlfriend. Aw. So cute.

"Ok Bradford boy well see you soon eh?"

"Yup no hope you enjoy those movies."

We made our way out to the car and as soon we got into the car I had to state it.

"Dating huh?"

"Eh, well yeah? Only if you want to obviously. You don't have to if you don't want to like maybe I shouldn't have said it..." Ye rambled on. It was cute.

I just leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"Ok good, I was sweating. Why do you do this to me!" He whined. And winked at me.

I laughed.

And we were on the road again finally going back home.

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