Chapter 12

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Ash suddenly drops to the floor and buries his head into his hands. Calum and the boys lift ash up. Luke approaches Ash and looks him in the eyes.

"What happened?"

"She.. She.." His voice trails off and sends shivers down my spine. He begins to sob. Tearing my heart to pieces.

"What Ash?!" Calum says softly.

"She's done it again.." Sobbing and panicking, breathing heavily and uncontrollably.

"Fuck! Where is she?" Michael demands.

"At the hospital."

"We gotta go!"

"Am.. Lucy I'm sorry but were going to have to cancel breakfast.." Luke shrugs.

"It's okay really, there's an emergency. are you okay asht.." I couldn't finish the sentence, this was the part where he broke down.

"I better bring you home" Luke gives me a soft smile.

"It's okay I can call a taxi. Ye gotta go."

"Stop it, we won't be long Ash will you be okay?"

"Ya, just.. Hurry." Ash doesn't meet either of mine of Luke's eyes. He's just staring at the concrete floor.

I feel sorry for him. Something is wrong and I don't know if it's my place to ask questions. I might ask Luke on our way home.

We got into the car and it was silent for a few minutes until I finally broke the silence.

"What's wrong with Ashton's mum?" I desperately need to know. Not for being nosy but I'm generally concerned about Ashton. Despise him being rude to me but he just had to take his anger out somehow I guess.

Luke shift uncomfortably in his seat. "Um.. I don't know if I should be the one to tell you this. It's Ashton's concern not mine. If he's comfortable telling you then he can. But I can't do that to Ash. No matter how much of an asshole he is" Luke smirks the tiniest bit and bites his lip piercing.

"Of course. I completely understand. Your a great friend Luke he's lucky to have you." I look at him and smile.

"Ha! You tell him that!"

"Is he okay?" Changing the subject back to Ash.

"He'll be okay, more of my concern is his moth.. Ugh Never mind."

And the rest of the journey remained in silence.

"Thanks for the ride Luke. I smile at him as I get out of his car."

"We should do something together another time. And you know.. Actually do something." He chuckles.

"Defiantly" I look down at my vans.

"Well see you later Lucy. I'll text you if anything changes okay?"

"Thanks" I smile.

"Oh and please don't tell anyone what happened with Ashton back there. We don't want to ruin his 'image'." Luke smirks and winks.

"Don't worry my lips are sealed." Miming a zipper closing my mouth.

We exchanged goodbyes once more and I made my way to our cabin.

As I walked in I encountered Cam in the corner or the living room. Huddled up and crying. She also had the big tub of cookie dough Ben & Jerry's. Ugh oh.

"What happened?" I dropped everything and rushed over to my best friend.

"He's done it.. Again." She bursts into tears.

"What you mean again?!"

"I found him upstairs with some guy?!"

"Do you mean they were.."

"Yes!" Cam turns to me and starts crying uncontrollably. Poor Cam she must blame all this on herself. How could he do this to her! The blood is burning in my veins and I just want to choke Jordan for doing this to her! And being a coward continuing his actions instead of owning up to what he did and telling her the truth. Not for her to find out this way.

"It's all my fault." She continues sobbing

"Stop it! Stop that bullshit right now!" I lift her chin up to meet my eyes! "It's not your fault" I say it and mean it. "He's a coward for not telling the truth and I will hunt him down and kill him! I see a small smile come across her face and warms my heart.

"I'm lucky to have you Lucy." She squeezes me tightly and keeps her arms wrapped around me

"I'm the lucky one here." I plant a kiss on top of her head.

"Come on let's make you my signature hot-chocolate" I pull her up and make our way to the kitchen.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask her afraid of the answer.

"Maybe later" she sniffs and I hand her a tissue. "Whenever your ready" I give her a smile. And she returns one.

"Am.. Josh and Tj left with Jordan. He was in a rage when he was leaving." She looks down at her hands and starts fidgeting with him. I've never seen this side of Cam. She was always bubbly and happy. Never did I ever see her cry. She didn't tell me about the first time he did this to her? I let her thought have her moments for a few days or weeks.. However long it takes her to be happy again.

"Okay marsh mellows with double the whipped cream a sprinkle of sprinkles and shredded chocolate to top it off." I say in a posh accent and like my fingers.

"Yummm so good Lucy you never fail at this." She Giggles.

I put on some popcorn and go through the DVDs we brought up. Eventually after 15 minuets of bickering we decided to watch movies with Channing Tatum. Basically a 'Channing Tatum marathon.' And we spent the night admiring Channing Tatum and sobbing uncontrollably throughout all the movies. Our favourites was 'The Vow' and 'Dear John' true classics.

Me and Cam haven't spent a girls night for a good while. It wasn't really since she spent most of her free time with stupid ass Jordan. It's nice for just her and me. Suddenly my mind flashes back to Ash. Is he okay? Is his mum okay? All these questions flooded into my mind. I checked my phone to see if I had any message from Luke. Seven missed calls! I quickly tell Cam the story and begged her not to ask questions until I contacted Luke.

Quickly after explains the story in minor detail. I dialled Luke's number and he picked up panicking. "Lucy come here quickly! Ash is in trouble and we don't know what to do! Please come as soon as possible!!"

"Okay okay stay calm! Get him some water. Were on our way!"

"Wait who's we Lucy?!"

I end the call and grab Cams hand and were out the door only to be stopped by the presence of Jordan.

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