Chapter 30

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A month has passed since the night of Calum's party and I'm back in Ireland for mums wedding. It's two months away but mum wants to be relaxed and well settled before the big day. She also wants Richard to feel like part of the family. Even though he's talkative he fits right in with everyone.

Ashton's back home though. It's too expensive to get him to fly all the way here, even though I kinda wish he was coming. He's met mum and she likes him! A lot! But she's only met him twice. On the other hand, Richard hasn't met him yet and I think he might react opposite to what mum did. See mum didn't judge him on his image or anything, but that's what Richard tends to do, a lot.

Anyways I'm back to school, but I'm finishing it in Ireland, only because it's near the leaving cert, and I've covered everything in America that's on the state exam so it's just revision for the next month for me.

Ashton is taking night classes, although it's only Art and music, it's still something to keep him out of trouble. Then in the day he looks after his mum.

I was completely zoned out and oblivious to my little cousin Mathew tugging on my skirt. "Lucy!! We wanna play outside." He cried.

I let out a sigh and noticed my mum giving me a look from the other side of the room while she was talking to Noreen, one of her bridesmaids.

"Sure lets go!" I cooed.

We made our way outside along with my other two cousins, Abbi and John. Abbi is 14 and is tall with jet black hair past her shoulders and has brown eyes. John is 10 and has brown hair and blue eyes and is into video games and soccer.

The two boys raced outside. While Abbi made her way over to the trampoline and sat crossing her legs and began texting in her phone.

On my way out I met Nana on the barbecue, sausages and burgers were grilling. The smell instantly hit us when we opened the back door and our mouths all began to water.

"Hi Lucy Lou!" My nanny smiled. She used to always call me that when I was younger.

"Hi Nan." I waved. "Barbecue smells amazing."

"Shouldn't be much longer now! Play with the children will you? Just until the food is ready?"

"Yeah sure! Can we get to soccer balls?"

"Ok but no whacking them around everywhere!" She pointed at the two boys and they begin to laugh to themselves.

She winked at me and made her way back inside.

The boys looked at each other and laughed then ran kicking the ball around.

I went over to Abbi who was on her phone.

"Hey Abbi." I smiled

She looked up from her phone and gave me a small smile. "Hi Lucy." Then continued on her phone.

We were both leaning up against the wooden fence watching the boys play football.

It was really awkward. I could feel tension. There was something wrong with Abbi.

"Luc.. Never mind" Abbi went back to texting or whatever she was at on her phone.

"What's wrong?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I need advice." She bit her lower lip.

"Sure?" I folded my arms.

She took a deep breath. "Ok there's this boy I like and I've never kissed a boy before and there's a summer time party at Ellen's house this weekend and she said that he wants to ask me to go with him." She said very quickly.

"Woah slow down!!" I squealed. "There's a boy who likes you?"

She nodded slowly without looking at me.

"Aw!" I cooed. "Ok so what are you worried about?"

"I've never kissed a boy or had a boyfriend so I'm so nervous and I just don't know what to do." She seemed really nervous.

"Hey Abbi? Just be you! Chat and laugh and have a good time. Don't be worrying about what might happen but just enjoy what is happening."

She stayed silence for a few seconds then smiled. "yeah! He never kissed a girl either so if it does happen at least it won't be awkward just for me!!" She seemed so relieved now. "Thank you so much Lucy!" She hugged me and squeezed me tight.

"Anytime Abbs. Just give me a text even if I'm back home. I wanna here about the party." I nudged her elbow. And she just rolled her eyes.

"Food!!" Mum roared out into the garden. The two boys raced each other to the back door while myself and Abbi walked into the dinning room.

Inside there was Matt (my uncle, Abbi and Matthew's dad) and his wife Jenny, Kate (my aunt, John's mum) and her husband Padraic, my other uncle Mike, mums friend Noreen, Mum and Richard.

The smell of food instantly struck out sense of smell and my stomach started to rumble. There was a little table for John and Matthew while myself and Abbi sat at the table with the adults. There was a spare seat beside me (probably for Liam). Thinking of him I questioned. "Matt when is Liam coming?"

"He texted me about half an hour ago saying he was finishing up in the garage so he should be here soon." he smiled up at me. Matt was always so nice. At times he can't control Matthew and Abbi but he always had Liam to help because Jenny was always working abroad as she reports for RTÉ news.

There was a knock on the door.

"It's open." Matt called.

The door creaked open. A tall strong guy walked in through the door. He had light brown hair and he had too much gel on. He had big, brown eyes. He was wearing a buttoned up shirt that was too small to him, his biceps bulging! He was ripped! He wore denim skinny jeans rolled to the ankle and a pair or Adidas runners. The sun shone in through the doors. We all looked over to him squinting our eyes.

Nana jumped up from her seat and rushed over to the man.

"Liam!! Your here! We couldn't start eating without you!" She gave him a hug and a big kiss on the cheek.

"Hiya Nan, sorry I'm late I got caught up at the garage." He shrugged.

"Sit down boy!" Matt said.

"You must be hungry dear!" Nana cried.

"To be honest I could eat a horse!" He chuckled.

He looked over to me and looked shocked, or scared or something. It kinda creeped me out a little bit.

"Well would yeah look who it is?" He smirked. "Lucy Lou is back in town is she?" he rushed over to me.

"Well give me a hug?!" He seemed so happy to see me. I got up from my seat. Jesus he was tall. I was taller than him years ago when we lived back in Galway.

"Look who's taller now!" I patted his head. And went in for a hug. He smelled so nice! Jesus he smelt good. He squeezed me really tight.

He laughed.

"Pfft! I was always taller." He chuckled.


We shuffled into our seats and said grace.

"Now everyone dig in!" Nana laughed.

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