Chapter 6

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On our way down to the lake. Cameera and I were discussing about her relationship with Jordan. They've been together for nearly a year! To be honest I'm surprised I thought Cameera would get sick with him because she nearly has a new lad every month, but she really is falling for Jordan. He is sweet and he treats her like a princess. It is cute whenever we talk about them as a couple I notice her cheeks flush. Even the thought of him makes her cheeks flush. It's adorable I think.

"Do you believe in soul mates Luce?" My best friend questions me. "Amm.. Well I believe everyone is destined to have their dream person out there somewhere. Even if they're completely different. Or if they are the exact same. I believe there is someone for everyone. But I wouldn't call it a soul mate like the mineute they're eyes meet, it is destined to be. Not like fairy tales. This is the real world not fantasy." I saw it and mean it. "Oh" is all she could reply. "Did I say something?" I feel like I have now hurt her feelings. "No, no it's just, I felt that way with Jordan. Do you think I'm living in a fantasy?" Her eyes are now worried. "No no babe honestly don't take love advice from the girl who never had a boyfriend." I half joke. Relived her eyes light up again when she sees her screensaver on her phone. It's the two of them at the local park. They really are good together. They're the perfect couple. "I want that." I thought to myself.

Jordan came to our school halfway into the first semester two years ago. He seemed a little shy at first but sure imagine how he felt not knowing anyone when everyone makes friends by the end of the second week of school. Cameera took an instant liking to him an opened him into our group. He became very close with my cousin Josh who was also the same age as me and also our other friend Tj. He was quite masculine and was amazing at basketball. I could tell he liked Cameera and I talked to him about her and eventually got him to open up to me about his feelings for my best friend. He did really like her. And he finally got the courage to ask her out. She fell instantly for him. They couldn't keep their eyes off each other after that. They had came such a long way thinking back. They've have many ups and downs but every relationship takes time, trust and communication right? Will I ever trust men in that sort of way.

"So you gonna find a summer love Luce?" She snapped me from my daydreaming wonder. "Am.. I doubt it. I'm not very good at that sort of thing ya know?" I really doubt getting personal and close with the male species on this summer vacation. "Ah come on! it's only a summer love. Like just a fling. It doesn't even have to mean anything just mess around a bit." I honestly don't have time for boys and I'm just gonna have a good time. "This is your fun, exciting summer Lucy." I thought to myself.

When we arrived at the lake, the nutty skinned boy with the dark dark hair approached us and invited us to the clubhouse. "Hey gals, amm I was wondering would you like to come to the clubhouse this fine evening? To celebrate the beginning of summer and well be camping out by the lake? Only us teens of course" he winked at us. I couldn't help but giggle. But Cameera just blurted "your from Australia? Oh I'm sorry i didn't mean to..." Her face was like a tomato. Poor Cam. "Ah no it's okay yes I am from Aussie and so are my boys. Pointing the the boys we saw as we drove into this beautiful site. Cam stared in awe so I answered for her. "Of course we would love to come, what time?" I still can't shake off my Irish accent but hey? It's the only thing I cherish in my childhood. My Irish heritage. "Maybe 6ish?" I'm already in love with his accent. I can tell Cam is too. "Great can't wait for it." I chirped. "Alright gals we'll see you there so." As soon as he left Cam and I let out a long breath we didn't realise we were holding in and laughed in unison. "I gotta call my bae before I go over there and kiss his sexy fucking face off." She can't help her foul language. I scowl her anyway. She then just rolls her eyes and takes out her phone to call Jordan I leave her be with her boyfriend as she tells him everything.

I head towards the lake with our stuff and neatly begin to lay out our things. It is like I have OCD or something as I like everything In a perfect place. Or else I'm just a perfectionist. I laugh at my thoughts. "What you laughing at?" I hear a voice behind me. I scream being startled. "I'm sorry I get scared easily, I ..." It was the boy with the red bandanna. Woah he looks even more perfect in the flesh. I just stand there in wonder, studying him and his body oh wow he is now shirtless and is wearing purple knee length shorts. "Haha Your okay, I'm Ashton Irwin. But my friends call me Ash, it's my pleasure to meet you." I flush for freaking him out by staring at him. "H.. Hi I'm.. I'm Lucy O 'Donald" I am so bad at this. "Are you irish? He questions with a warming smile. Wow his smile is beautiful and his dimples. I'm dead. "Ugh yeah how did you know?" I shift uncomfortably. "Oh I'm not a creep don't worry." He laughs. "I could tell by your accent." he smiles again and I've already fallen for him. Am I really thinking this. After everything I said about 10 minutes ago here I am experiencing everything I thought was fake and stupid. Karma is all I can think. "Oh haha" is all I manage to say. "So Lucy, what were you laughing at before I scared you?" He's really mysterious isn't he. He seems different not like a weird different but a quirky unique different. I like it. "Oh amm.." I'm trying to think of something funny. "I'm just laughing at my friend cheesy pick up lines." I'm literally blank of his presence. What is wrong with me. "What is it?" He questions me. "Amm.. It's really cheesy and stupid" I say. "Please? He pouts. I think he knows I'm attracted to him because this makes him look so adorable. "Is your body from Mc Donald's? Cause I'm loving it!" I cringe. but Ash is laughing hysterically. "That is the funnies pick up line I have ever heard." He laughs and I think he mean it. It takes him awhile to recover so to remove the awkwardness I join in with him. My towel then drops and I'm mortified. I'm not naked no but I feel it I only have my bikini and fit flops in view. Ash immediately stops laughing and I notice his mouth drop. "I.. I love you bikini. They're bananas ya?" Omg what is happening. "Umm yeah? I think it's kinda cool" I'm about to get sick. I pick up the towel quickly and cover my body. "I love banana's! They're cool." He notices me covering my body. "What are you doing?" What is going on?! Where is Cam I'm gonna blurt out something sooner or later I think I'm sweating and I'm probably as red as a tomato right now. My beach waves have now fallen out on my brown hair. "I don't know I just feel uncomfortable." I do honestly feel uncomfortable and the last thing I want is to draw attention. "Don't even think that your..." And were interrupted by the beautiful girl who was with him when we pulled in. Again I am snapped back into reality.

"Babe everyone's waiting for you were just about to head over to the clubhouse and your..." She beautiful her skin is flawless. I just hope she's just as nice inside than she is out. "Hi I'm Rosie" she chirps and I can't help but smile. "Hello I'm Lucy." Her smile is perfect, her teeth are perfect. Wow she's perfect. Okay I gotta forget about perfect Ash. There's no way I'd stand a chance. Why am I even thinking I stand a chance. "Babe we better go, it was lovely meeting you" she smiles at me and I smile back "you too". Wow. "Do you want to walk with us?" Is he still talking to me? "Am I'll just come over with my friend when she gets off the phone with her boyfriend. "Awh okay." Is what he says. He's disappointed I'm not walking with him? No he's just trying to be polite. "Well I'll see you there anyway, I might bring my banana top." I tease. Am I really doing this? "You've got to be kidding" he must really like bananas. "No way" I do actually have a banana too at home and I love it. I am daydreaming off again. Damn I always do this lately. "Hello earth to Lucy?" His hand waving in front of my face. He has big hands. Wow. "Sorry I'm just distracted." I flush. Wow I screwed this up. He laughs. His laugh is so sweet. I join in with him until his green haired friend is in view and calls him over. "Coming now mate. I'm sorry I've got to go we'll chat at the campfire tonight I presume?" He wants to talk to me. "I can't figure you out yet, I need to learn more about you" he smiles. I flush of his statement. "Okay" is all I manage to say without blurting out something stupid. Our eyes meet and instantly we look away. "So I'll see you there so Ashton or Ash.. Can.. Can I call you that?" Afraid of the answer. "Of course you can were mates now sure! I'll see you at the campfire Lucy O' Donald" he laughs. I join him again. "I'll see you there Ash Irwin.

The boy in the red bandana disappears. And I let out a deep breath i didn't realise I was holding in. Cam comes rushing down to me and screams "Jordan is coming to stay next weekend isn't that great!" I'm so excited for her. I know how much she likes him. I hug her and squeeze her tight. "That's great". I squeal. I am now packing up or belongings and putting them back neatly and organised.

We are now making our way over to the clubhouse "I.. I think I love him Luce" my sunscreen then drops from my hand. She what? She loves him. Is she not too young? What if he doesn't love her back. Why am I only thinking if negative outcomes. Hell he's probably loved her the day he met the girl! to keep my best friend happy and I am happy for her we scream in unison and I wrap my arms around her.

"This is amazing!" I cry. I can't believe it she really does love him. "How are you planning on telling him? Details!" I tease. She giggles. "Well I'm planning a surprise" she winks at me. Oh no she not think of.. That is she? "Am.. Your not thinking of.. You know.. Doing it?" I hate the thought of sex and here I am discussing it. Anything sexual just makes me gag. Blow jobs, being fingered all that stuff. How can I girl enjoy a boy sliding his finger... I force myself to stop imagining it. I almost gag. "Oh my god no!" She screams. Well that was a relief. She still respects herself. "It's going to be so romantic." Her eyes light up. She discusses her plans with me and I try my best to be interested or at least look like I'm listening to her but all I can think about it the boy with the red bandana..

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