Chapter 17

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It's been a week. A whole week and I haven't heard from him or any of the guys.

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. Cameera must be making them. They smell delicious. Before I get up I check my phone. Still no reply, although Michael texted me wondering if I would like to go to the lake today.

*Hey Lucy! We're going to the Lake today, wanna come? ;) you should bring Cameera! We all want to get to know her :) text back whenever - M*

Finally they realize I exist.

*Hey there ;) ya I'll talk to Cam about it :) I'm sure she'd love to! Thanks*

I then literally forced myself to get out of bed. My body was so stiff and sore.

"Lucy breakfast!" I hear a familiar voice from downstairs. I look over the banister and I see Michael, Calum and Luke. Ashton's not there. Wow.. That's a surprise (says sarcastically).

"Hey there sleepy head!" Michael shouts up to me.

"Morning" I yawn and make my way downstairs. Cam comes out from the kitchen. "Guys it's getting cold! Come on."

"Well good morning to you too Cam" I joke

"Oh shit, Luce I didn't see you there!" She ran over to me and hugged me. She's acting very weird to me lately.

I hugged the rest of the boys even Luke, but he only briefly hugged me back. We all sat down to our breakfast.

"This looks amazing Cameera!" Calum says politely to Cam. He is so sweet.

"T..thanks" she blushes and smiles.

He just smiles back at her and looks at her for longer than you usually should and she just looks away quickly and he just laughs to himself.


I'm sitting beside Luke and while everyone else is talking, Michael on about how he plans on eating the biggest pizza in the world and Calum trying to get Cam to understand that he isn't Asian. I whisper to Luke asking him why was he mad at me the other night.

"What did I do?" I whisper.

"Nothing? I wasn't mad"

"Yes you were and you still are?"

"Ashton doesn't deserve you."

I choke on my pancake. I grab my orange juice to clear my throat. Everyone is staring at me. "Sorry" I cringe and they just laugh and go back to their conversations.

"What?" I whisper

"you heard me"

"We didn't do anything"

"I know Lucy. Stop lying"

"What you mean by he doesn't deserve me."

"He's fucked up he doesn't know how to take care of women. Sure look at his moth..." He looks down at his hands

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that." He looks guilty. How could he say that about Ashton's mother.

"Ya you shouldn't" I get up and I leave the table and go outside.

As I'm standing outside I can hear Cam questioning Luke about our incident. God he's a idiot. How can he say that about his best friend! He's going through a rough patch and it doesn't take that much to be there for him and offer support to him! He's so emotionless. I was pacing back and forth along the front door. I didn't realize Calum was standing at the door watching me.

"Lucy?" He finally bring me back to reality.

"Oh Calum, sorry I didn't see you there!"

"Are you okay?"

"Ya I'm just so mad at what he said!" I try my best not to let anger get to me.

"I know, I know, he was just mad."

"At what? Me?"

"No Ashton."

"Why what did he do?"

"Ugh.. Nothing they just had a fight earlier on about.. Something stupid. It doesn't matter really."

I know he's lying but I honestly don't have the energy to argue.

"Oh okay."

"Are you sure your okay?" He puts his arm on my shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good, thanks Calum."

"Please call me Cal."


"Now are you and Cameera still gonna come to the lake with us?" He's gives me a warm smile.

"Sure. why not?"

"Great! We'll be on our way and you can pack your bag. We'll be down at the lake waiting."

"Is Ash coming?" I'm desperate I know.

"Eh no not today. He's gone into hospital to see his mum."

Oh ya I completely forgot.

"Well we'll see ye down there!" He salutes me and calls the other boys.

Michael waves at me but Luke completely ignores my presence. He hasn't even apologized yet! I ignore my conscience.

I go back inside to see Cameera cleaning up the breakfast.

"Sorry for that." I say it and mean it

"Stop it! It's fine. He shouldn't have said that." She smiles at me.

"I'm just gonna pack my bag so okay?"

"Ya sure ill be up in 3 minutes."

I go upstairs and text Ashton.

*Hey Ash, sorry to be bothering you. I hope your mum is okay and that we're gonna miss you down at the lake. :(*

I then get busy and pack my bag for the lake.

Ashton's POV:

"Flight 192 leaving for Sydeny will be boarding in approximately 45 minutes"

I wait anxiously. Is this the right decision? Running away? I honestly don't know. I won't go unless she comes for me. I told the boys I'm here but I doubt there gonna tell her. I told them not to that I'm just gonna end up like I did with Emily before. I stare at the text message she sent me. And I think to myself.

There's no going back now.


Stop replaying 'what if' in your mind and just grow a pair of balls and take a chance!

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