Chapter 1

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Holly's P.O.V

Ive always been that girl that would never amount to anything. Always second best to my famous brother, Liam Payne. Holly Payne, Liams little sister, that's all i am. My life hasn't been the easiest, to say the least. I had a perfect family up until i was 4 and Liam was 6. Who knows what happened to my dad, he just walked out without a goodbye. Not that i care where he is to be honest. He's the reason my mum turned into an abusive alcoholic and in turn, made my life shit. 

"Liam's coming to pick me up in 5 minutes with his friends, try and look presentable." I said to my mum, praying she was sober. 

"Are you saying i'm ugly? You're the ugly one, not me. Stupid bitch." She replied, indicating that she was in fact, drunk as always. 

I ignored her comment and continued packing. I don't think my mum was fully aware that Liam was picking me up to go and live with him in London. 

I heard a knock on the door and assumed that it was Liam so i picked up my bag and opened it. 

"Holly!" Liam exclaimed as he picked me up and spun me around. It was my first time seeing him in 4 months as he was on tour in the US. 

"Hey Liam!" i beamed, still in the air. "You can let me down now" i joked and he put me down with a serious look masking his face. 

"Hi, mum." He said. 

"Where are you taking her?" Mum snapped.

"Shes coming to live in London with me, mum." Liam calmly replied to which my mum let out a huge laugh.

"I dont think so. Do you expect me to work, cook, clean, get food, make tea and everything else by myself?" She questioned, obviously not understanding that it was exactly what Liam expected.

"Er, yeah" Liam answered.

The tension in the room was increasing every second.

"Bye, mum" I said and tried to pull Liam out the door with me. 

"NO!" My mum screamed as she grabbed my hair and pushed me against the wall.

"You're not leaving, i have been a good mother to you and this is what i get? Don't you remember the last time you tried to leave? I am stronger than you and i will always win." she slurred her words. 

I grew scared as Liam pulled her off me, forcing her to land on the floor. 

"Go to the car, i'll be right there." Liam reassured me. 

I left out the door and headed towards the car praying that nothing would happen and that Liam would come really soon. 

Sure enough he walked out the door and caught up to me. i got in the car to see Zayn driving, with Harry beside him riding shotgun and Louis beside me in the middle of Liam and I. 

We drove away watching my mum scream and threaten to find me. 

"LOUIS!" I yelled hugging him. I always liked Louis, he was the first in the group i met. He was funny, immature and sassy. Shopping with him was always the best. 

"Hey, gorgeous!" He replied and hugged me back.

"Hi Zayn, hi Harry" I added while messing up Zayns hair from behind which made him laugh. 

"Stop i am trying to drive! But hi babe." Zayn said. 

"Hi babe." Harry added, turning around and showing me his dimples. 

Harry was one of my best friends, the person i could call if i was sad or just needed advice. I knew he'd always be there for me, just like Liam. 

Zayn was also one of my best friends. He always knew how to make me feel good. We kissed a while back when we first met and all the boys know, except Liam, who will definitely never know. 

"Where's Niall?" I asked. 

"There weren't enough seats so we drew straws to see who would stay at home." Harry said as i yawned and decided to rest my eyes.

Liams P.O.V

I don't know how i ever let it get that bad. I left her, left my baby sister with a monster. One thing i learnt from this is that there is absolutely no way in hell i will ever let anyone hurt Holly again. I turned to look over at Holly who had already fallen asleep on Louis shoulder. Perfect time to make some rules for the boys.

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