chapter 1

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*Nicole's POV*


I groaned and turned my alarm off. Today is the day we go back to school after winter break. I really did not want to go back today. These past two weeks have been so much fun, not having to spend seven hours with fake hoes and thirsty jerks.

I pulled myself out of bed and to the shower. When I was out I put on a pair of black leggings and a maroon sweater that had two white stripes on either arm. The sweater said 'Over It' in big white letters. It's funny, the sweater describes how I feel about this school year. Thank goodness this is my last year of highschool. Anyway, I put on black combat boots and tied my long blondish-brownish hair in a straight ponytail. I put on my regular makeup; mascara, foundation, eyeliner, and a bit of eyeshadow.

My phone vibrated, implying that I had a text.

from: Cassidy


Yes, Cassidy is my best friend, and yes, my hair is naturally very curly. I rarely ever wear it natural though because it's literally too curly to make it look cute. I only wear it normal when I'm with people I'm comfortable around or when I'm alone and don't have anyone to impress.

I laughed and texted back.

to: Cassidy


Cassidy and I were literally the steriotypical best friends. We do basically everything together and tell each other EVERYTHING. We've been best friends since kindergarten. Cassidy was the prettier one of us two. She has brown hair that goes to a little bit past her shoulders and big green eyes. All the boys at school always go for her, and never me. Most boys just see me as 'Cassidy Somers' best friend'.

Anyway, I looked at the time; 7:45. School didn't start till 8:15 and it didn't take long to get to Starbucks and the school from my house.

I ran downstairs, gave my mom and dad a kiss on the cheek and then went out to my black Mercedes Jeep. My parents are pretty rich, you could say. My mom owns a couple clothing store chains called Glam. There's one here in Omaha, and surrounding Nebraska. There is also a few in New York, California, and just all around the US. My dad owns a golf course and country club in Wilmur ((A/N idk if tha's an actual town but in the story its the town next to Omaha)). So yeah, we have a big house and lots of fancy cars. I don't like to brag about it.

The Starbucks in town is across the street from Westside, my high school. It also has a drive through which definitely comes in handy.

I ordered our regular orders and then drove to school once i got them.

As I walked to my lockers, the boys at my school had whistled at me and I just rolled my eyes. I was always one of the girls that all the boys flirt with; but I never give in. I just don't want to get hurt by a jerk.

I saw Cassidy at her locker, which was luckily right next to mine.

"Hey Coco!" she exclaimed. I haven't seen her since the last day of school before break because she had gone to Minnesota, where most of her family lives.

Only my close friends and family call me Coco. It's a nickname I've had since I could talk, since I couldn't say my name when I was little, and that was as close as it was gonna get.

"Hey Cass!" I gave her a hug, then handed her her drink. She thanked me and payed me back.

Our two other close friends Pia and Julia walked over to us.

"Hey Cokes!" Pia said and her and Julia pulled me in for a group hug.

"Hey girls. How was your breaks?"

"Mine was okay, except of course my overly crabby grandma was being her overly crabby self" Julia chuckled, causing all of us three to giggle.

"And yours?" I asked Pia.

"Good. My brother spilt wine on his pants, so I was able to have a laugh" she laughed, and we all laughed again.

"Oh my gosh I miss Peter so much" Cassidy smiled. Peter is Pia's 12 year brother and is literally the coolest 7th grader I've ever met.

I opened my mouth to say something but was bumped into by someone.

"Oops. My bad." the school skank, Ashley said in literally the fakest voice I've ever wittnessed in my entire existence.

"Ashley, what the hell. We all know you did that on purpose." I saw the school jock and not to mention player, Sam Wilkinson say.

"No, it really was on accident. I guess I just got so sickened by her ugly face that I zoned out and wasn't watching where I was walking."

All the girls that were with her all laughed, but all the boys that were with her rolled their eyes.

"You know what Ashley? You should really-" Cassidy started but I cut her off.

"Thanks, Cass, but I got it." I said. "Look Ashley. I know you have some kind of problem with me and I'm fine with that, because I'm not too fond of you either. But seriously, you need to get over yourself and leave me alone. You've had this little battle made up in your head going on between me and you for whatever reason, and this little battle has been going on for the past four years, and you haven't won yet. So, I'm just gonna recomend you leave me alone and go back to being your concieted little self because we all know that you have much  better things- or should I say people to do." 

All the boys and my friends 'oooohed' and I just smirked as she just stared at me.

"Oh, did I knock all the words out of your bitch mouth?" I said in a baby voice.

She just scoffed and walked away. As she was half way down the hall way, she realized her little army of skanks weren't behind her. "Girls!" she exclaimed and her friends quickly ran over to her.

The boys just sat there, dumbfounded too. They were probably surprised. I've always been a pretty shy girl around people I wasn't close to. I glanced over at Sam. He has a smirk on his face.

"Surprised?" I asked.

"Very much, actually." he said.

The bell rang to go to your first period class. The boys walked off and so did Pia and Julia. I opened my locker and got out my stuff for calculus.

As I walked into class, Sam winked at me. I just rolled my eyes and sat down in my normal seat.

Class went by pretty quickly.As I walked out of the room, an arm was slung around my shoulder.I looked up and saw Sam.

"You know Nicole, what you said to Ashley this morning literally made my day" he chuckled.

"Well, I thought someone had to tell her... No one else has, so I took it that it was my duty to do it."

He started laughing louder. "You said duty"

"You're literally two years old"

"A two year old that has a crush on a certain senior named Nicole Harding"


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