chapter 4

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"Will you be my girlfriend?"

 I didn't even have to think about it for a second. "Yes!"

He had the biggest smile on his face. "I know that it's super soon, but I feel as if we've been talking for years. I promise I will never hurt you, Nicole."

"Pinky promise?" I asked him.

"Pinky promise." he said, taking my pinky in his.

We continued eating. Once we were done we went back out to his car. As we were driving home, I turned on the radio. The song 'Love Somebody' by Maroon 5 was playing.

"Oh my gosh Sammy, I love this song!" I exclaimed.


"Hey what was that for? I  was really feeling the song." he said.

"Well I wasn't feeling my ears." I replied.

"Hey not everyone's as good a singer as you."


"Thanks for a great night, Sammy." I smiled, kissing his cheek. We were standing at my front door.

"I had fun too, baby. I'll see you on Monday. Unless you wanna hang out sooner." he winked.

I gave him a hug and then watched him walk off to his car. I quietly opened the door; it as 11:36 PM.

I walked into the kitchen and sure enough the girls were there.

"Guys! I have news!" I said. I grabbed a snapple and sat on the counter top, filling them in on the events of tonight.

"I knew you would get together. We all knew. Hell, I think everyone at school knew it. Even the teachers." Julia said, we all laughed.

My phone started ringing. It was over in my purse, which was across the room from me. Before I could get to it, Cassidy had already had it in her hands.

"Incoming call from big pimp sammy wilk" she read.

"Cass. Give. Me. The. Phone." i said.

She quickly presed the phone to her ear. "Hey baby" she mocked me in a weird accent that she thinks I talk in, but I really don't.

"I don't tak like that!"

"What do you mean, 'hi Cassidy'? This is Nicole Bethany Harding"

I got up and started chasing her. We literally ran everywhere. All around the kitchen, the din, the front room, up the stairs, until I finally got my phone back.

"Hey sorry about that, babe. Cass is being a bitch" I chuckled.

"That's ok. I just wanted to call and ask if tomorrow all of you wanted to come over to my house? Around like 1:30 or 2? The Jacks, Mason, and Luke will all be here."

"I'm sure we'd love to. Lemme quick ask the girls." I quickly ran down the stairs and back into the kitchen where the girls were and put my hand over the phone. "Do you wanna go over to Sam's house tomorrow afternoon? The boys will be there." they all nodded. I put my phone back to my ear. "They said yes."

"Great. Bring swim suits, we might go swimming."

"Alrighty. Well, I'm gonna go. I'll text you."

"Ok, bye babe. See you tomorrow." he said.

"Bye Sammy." I said, hanging up.


I woke up the next morning and the girls still weren't up. I decided to shower now, because I knew if I waited till later they'd  make me take a fast one so they could shower.

When I was out I didn't feel like putting on my outfit for later on, considering it's only 9 am, so I just wore a tee shirt I had got when I went to France last summer and some leggings.

Not wanting to wake the girls up just yet, I went downstairs. My mom and my little sister Darla were in the din.

"Hey guys" I said

 "Hey hun, where are the girls?" my mom asked, patting the seat next to her for me to sit.

"Still asleep" I sat cross legged and put a pillow on my lap.

"What are your plans for the day?" she asked.

"Us girls are going to Sam's house for a few hours to hang out with him and his friends." I informed her, she nodded.

"You've been spending a great amount of time with Sam lately... Is there anything going on in love town with you two?"

I blushed... Might as well tell her. "Well, actually... Yes. Sam asked me to be his girlfriend just last night after the basketball... When the girls were here and I was with him. We had gone to Urth and he had made this whole speech about his feelings for me and all that mushy gushy lovey dovey coupley stuff."

"Well honey that's great. I like Sam and as logn as he treats my baby right I'm fine with it" she kissed my forehead.

"I haven't been your 'baby' for like 14 years mom." i chuckled.

"You'll always be my baby no matter what, Cokes."


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