Chapter 22

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*Nicole's POV*

I stepped inside my house and smiled as the warm smell that I missed oh so much took over me. I set down my bags and called an 'I'm home!'. I heard my mom yell back 'in the kitchen!' and walked to the kitchen. I smiled as I saw my mom making cookies with her best friend (who was basically my second mom) sitting at the counter. They both had wines in front of them and I smiled.

"Hey mom, hey Beth"

"Hey honey! I missed you so much" my mom said, putting down her spoon and gave me a bone crushing hug.

"I missed you too mom, but can't breath here" I managed to get out. Her and Beth laughed and she let go of me.

"Sorry babe, I just missed my baby girl"

"Love you, Mom" I smiled, rolling my eyes playfully.

"Hey, I'm here too! Give me a hug, too you stinker!" Beth laughed. I hugged her.

"Hi Beth, I missed you"

"And I missed you, too sweet cheeks" she said, squeezing my cheeks after she pulled away from the hug.

"So how about you pore me some wine, mama" I suggested.

"I can't believe I'm doing this, but here you go" she laughed as she handed me a glass. I've had wine in front of my parents before and they didn't really care. I even will drink beer in front of them. They don't care that much since I never really get drunk, or even tipsy for that matter. It's on special occasions that I actually get drunk.

"So where's Dad and Darla?" I asked, taking a sip.

"They'll be here soon. Your father had take your kid to work day today so he brought Darla. They left work like 10 minutes ago, she they'll be here in the next 15 minutes or so." my mom said. I nodded and my phone vibrated. It was a text from Cassidy.


Cassidy: hey Coco! are you coming to Mack's party tonight? you better! i miss my best friend!

me: ya, i was thinking about it! are Julia and Pia?

Cassidy: well Pia doesn't get back till tomorrow, but Julia is. get ready at my house??

me: for sure:) i'll be there at 7:30

Cassidy: great! see ya then bitch:)


"Mom I'm going to Mack's party tonight. And I'm going to Cass' at about 7:30 to get ready but I'll be home tonight." I informed her.

"Alright! Tell the girls I say hi and tell them to come over soon!"

"Got it." I said.

"So Nicole, how has college been treating you?" Beth asked.

"Great. I love everything about it. My classes are awesome and my roommate is super nice and a great friend"

"Any boys?" my mom winked.

"No mom." I laughed lightly.

"Alright, alright. I just like to know what my daughter is up too these days" she said putting her hands up in defense.

"I have been eating, singing, eating, working on my school work, playing volleyball and basketball, and eating" they both laughed.

"You know who I miss?" my mom asked. I raised my eyebrow. "Sam."

"Mom, we're over. That was so long ago."

"I still miss him. So does your father and Darla."

"Can we just not talk about him?" I asked. They both agreed. I still haven't told anyone in my family why Sam and I broke up. Before anyone could say anything else, my dads voice sounded through the room, coming from the garage entry way.

"We're home!"

"Daddy!" I yelled and got up from my seat and ran to the door, where him and Darla stood. I jumped in my dads arms and he had successfully caught me and had picked me up. "I missed you dad!"

"I missed you too, princess. But I can't hold you much longer. My back is breaking every second I spend holding you, fag." he laughed and put me down.

"Wow... Fag still hasn't gotten old in your world."

"It shouldn't have gotten old in your world either, fag." he patted my head as if I was a dog.

"You know father, I'm not a dog. I am a girl, a human being."

"In my eyes, you're a scary gorilla." he joked.

"And in my eyes, you're a venus fly trap. That's right, you're not even a mammal. You're a non breathing plant. Tell me how you feel about that?"

"Great. I can swallow you're phone, laptop, and TV."

"You suck." I rolled my eyes then turned to Darla. "Hey baby girl" I smiled, picking her up and placing her on my hip.

"Hi Coco" she kissed my cheek.

"Do you wanna go outside and play in the snow?" I asked. Her eyes lit up even more and she nodded excitedly. "Ok. Lemme quick go get changed. Venus fly trap over here can get you into your snowpants and jacket." I turned to my dad.

"It's always me" he joked, then took Darla from my hand.

I ran up to my room and got changed into some super thick leggings and a 5 Seconds Of Summer crew neck. I put a black fold over beanie on top of my two side french braids and slipped on my fake Uggs, not wanting to damage my real ones. I put on my North Face over my sweatshirt and went downstairs. Obviously I didn't have snowpants so my thick leggings were what I'd have to use. Once I was downstairs I put on a black circle scarf and my gloves, then me and Darla went outside.

We stayed outside for about a half hour. We had made a big snowman, and then Darla wanted to build another one so 'he didn't feel lonely'. After we finished the second one, we decided to name them. The first one's name is Shakira and the second's is Beyonce.

*Sam's POV*

I just got home from Texas and I'm super happy to be back. While I was driving home I passed Nicole's house and my heart dropped. I missed her house. I missed her family. I missed her.

Once I was home, I greeted my family. I told them I was gonna quick unpack, since I'd be home for a month,and be back down. I ran to my room and sat down at my desk. Taking out a piece of paper and pen, I began writing a new letter to Nicole.

{December 19, 2014}

Dear Nicole,

It's been about a week since I last sent a letter. I hope you're doing great. I just got home from Texas and as I was driving home I drove past your house and saw your big black G Wagon. My heart dropped when I thought about how much I missed you. If I could take back that day so it never would have happened and I'd still have you with me, I would. But you already know that. I miss our memories together. I miss staying up till 3 am talking on the phone. I miss filming all these challenge videos, and I miss hearing your beautiful voice singing to me. I also find myself missing your Demi Lovato obsession. I remember you always singing her songs in the car softly, thinking I wouldn't be able to hear. Well I never told you I could hear it, but here I am now telling you I heard it. It was truly beautiful and I'd give anything to hear that again. I hope someday you'll bring yourself to forgive me. But if you don't I can't say I'd blame you.

On the way back home I had driven past all the places we'd go to. Urth, where we had our first 'date' if you can even call it that, because it was the first day we started talking and we just went there to get to know each other. I also drove past the park we use to take Darla to a lot. That reminds me of the ice cream shop, which yes, I drove past too. Every where I had driven past that had a connection to our past times together made my tears threaten to come out.

As I'm back home for a month, I'm hoping I'll see you somewhere around town. I just got a text from Mack telling me to come to his party tonight. Maybe you'll be there. If not I'll still hope to see you around.

Well I guess I should end this as it's getting extremely long. I love you, Nicole and I'll be seeing you around.


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