chapter 21

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*Nicole's POV*

Months have passed since that day. I'm now in Duluth, Minnesota. I've been in classes for nearly 4 months and have been loving every single minute of my classes. I leave for Omaha for break in a few days and can't wait to see my friends. My major in music, so I've been actually been recording songs in the studio the school has and even editing music. I also got to be an early teacher's helper in music classes at a middle school about 15 minutes away from campus. The reason I went so early was to decide what I wanted to do in music, be a music teacher or be more of a professional and try and make it in the music industry. As fun as being a music teacher sounds, I decided against it. I also just recently finished the volleyball season and am in the basketball season at the moment.

I haven't talked to Sam yet. For the first two weeks after the day I broke up with him, he hadn't texted or called. Then he started texting to me, but I ignored him. Then after a while he stopped again. But every once in a while he'll still text me, and even send letters occasionally.

Thankfully, my roommate is super nice and not a bitch at all. Her name is Olivia. She's from Madison, Wisconsin and she is studying fashion. She is really pretty, brown hair that goes just past her shoulders and crystal blue eyes. She has a boyfriend who goes here too, named Connor and they are totally adorable. Olivia knows all about what happened with Sam and she thinks that it's totally sweet that he sends me letters.

I'm still making Youtube videos every week. I have it set up so that one week I post a normal video where I'm doing either challenges, tags, ask Nicole's, ect, and the next week I upload singing videos. My channel has almost 2.5 million subscribers! Crazy right?! Every once in a while I've been taking a few days off school to go to different events around the country.

*Sam's POV*

Four months have passed since the day the love of my life broke up with me. Everyday I think about her. I still watch all her videos, I can't let myself not. I still will text her every once in a while and I even started sending her letters sometimes.

I am on the basketball team here at TCU and surprisingly, I am starting. As a freshman. How crazy is that?! It's been my dream since I really got into basketball and I'm so proud of myself that I'm living my dream. I'm studying sports medicine but have hopes that instead of making that my career to join a pro team.

My roommate is named Brandon, and he is pretty cool. He's on the basketball team as well, but he doesn't start in games.

I leave to go back home for Christmas break in 2 days and I'm beyond excited. I'm looking forward to getting to hang out with Gilinsky and Johnson like the old times again. I'm also planning on trying to talk to Nicole. I really miss her. Apparently, according to my sisters they were visiting at home one weekend in October and Nicole had also been home so they had hung out with her and apparently it wasn't it awkward at all.

God, I can't wait to see her. I just hope she'll decide to forgive me.



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