chapter 35

436 14 2

my feet are cold bye

*Nicole's POV*

"Flight 347 to Los Angeles, California; boarding now," the computer like voice sounded through the gate.

"That's our calling, Nicole Bethany Harding," Sam said in a narrator voice. I laughed and we stood up from our seats, grabbing our carry on bags.

We walked hand in hand to the lady taking tickets. After giving her our tickets, and her flirting with Sam, we were in our seats on the plane. His parents were nice enough to buy us first class seats so we didn't have to sit by some stranger.

"I'm so excited for these next six days with you, babe." he kissed my forehead and took my hand in his.

"Me, too." I smiled.

"Attention passengers, we will be taking off in about a minute. Please buckle your seat belts and turn off any electronics till we are 10,000 feet in the air. Thank you." the pilot spoke. Sam and I did as we were told. While we were waiting, I saw Sam start shaking slightly out of the corner or my eye.

"You okay?" I asked him.

I watched as his cheeks turned a shade of red, which caused me to giggly a little, but quickly stopped after he sent me a glare. "I'm fine."

"No, you're not. Tell me what's wrong."

He sighed. "I just hate taking off. I'm... I'm... Afraid of it."

"Aw, Sammy has a fear!" I teased, but received another glare from him. "Ok sorry sorry, now's not the time. But it's ok, hold my hand and squeeze it whenever you need to. It'll be over, and we'll we up in the air before you know it." I leaned over the arm rest to kiss his cheek.

He nodded and I intertwined our hands, giving his hand a kiss, then resting them on his knee. I felt the plane begin to move, and he quickly squeezed my hand.

After a while of Sam continuously squeezing my hand, we were finally up in the air and he had relaxed, still keeping my hand in his.


"Nicole, time to wake up. We just landed." Sam said. I shuffled in my seat before opening my eyes.

I stood up and and we got off the plane, hand in hand. As we walked through the airport, fans were following us, asking for pictures and autographs. We had stopped to take pictures for a bit, before stopping to get our baggage.


We walked through the doors of our hotel room. My parents also pitched in money so that it wasn't just Sam's parents, so our room was pretty big. It was like a mini apartment; bigger than a sweet. Kinda like a condo. The room we're in right now, the entry room, was also the living room. There was a couch, recliner, tv, and coffee table. On the opposite side of the door, there was a big balcony with chairs and even a mini couch on it. There was also a full kitchen, that had a counter with stools and a small table. The bedroom was a big king size bed, with a huge en-suite bathroom, jacuzzi and a giant shower. Lastly in the room, was another sliding glass doorthat led to the balcony, the same one from the living room.

"This is so beautiful," I said as Sam and I sat down on the love seat on the balcony. It was 3:37 PM right now, and the sun was beating down at us. We had a beautiful view from our room, looking over the ocean and hotel pool, also the pool bar.

"I know. Our parents did a good job picking a hotel,"

"For sure. This really is paradise," I looked around. I already knew I never want to leave here.

"Mhmm. So, what do you want to do today? We have reservations for dinner at 6:45 tonight at a restaurant about a mile down." he told me.

"We can do whatever. Maybe just go down to the beach for a while? Tomorrow maybe we can do something a little more eventful. Today I just want to relax,"

"Sounds like a plan. Lets go get changed," he stood up and took my hand, pulling me up with him. We walked back to the room. I grabbed my swim suit and went to the bathroom. I put on my suit that is black and yellow leopard print, then tied my hair in a high pony tail with my flip flops. I walked back in the room and Sam was sitting at the edge of the bed, already in his suit. He was taking a double chin selfie, so I quickly jumped in it, making the same face he was.

"We're such a hot couple," he chuckled, examining the picture. I laughed along with him and he put it on his my story for all his fans that were following him on his snapchat to see. I pulled over some jean shorts and a tank top, then we left.

Once we were outside I put my sunglasses over my eyes and we looked for a spot. After a while we had finally found two long lounge chairs and set our stuff down. I lay down and put on my sunscreen so that  don't burn and Sam does the same. We lay under the sun for a while, until someone is standing in front of me, blocking the sun.

I looked up and saw a young girl, she looked about 13 or 14. "Hi, sorry to bother you, but I'm a really big fan of you. I love your videos, you're so funny! I was wondering if I could get a picture with you?" she asked me.

"Of course, babe. What's your name?" I asked her as I stood up.


"Well it's nice to meet you, Hallie." I smiled. "Hey Sam, can you take a quick picture of us?"

"Yeah sure." he took Hallie's phone and we took a few pictures.

"Thank you so much! You're my idol. Oh and by the way, you and Sam are my number 1 OTP." she gave both me and Sam a hug.

"Well thank you!" Sam said.

She nodded. "Well, I'll leave you two alone now. Have a great day!" she smiled and we waved to her as she walked away.

"She was so sweet!" I said.

"She is. Anyway, wanna go for a swim?"

"Sure," Sam and I ran hand in hand into the cold ocean water. "SAM! It's freezing!"

"Calm down, Harding. You're fine." he chuckled.

"I'll kick you in the balls."

"Whatever" he said. I laughed and splashed him. "Hey! Not cool!" he yelled and splashed me back. Soon, a splash fight had formed between the two of us.


i'm going golfing tomorrow in case you care hehe yES I GOLF AND YES SOMETIMES AND I MEAN SOMETIMES I GO OUTSIDE WOW I'M AWESOME

i was playing the kim k game earlier and my boyfriend dumped me and i didn't have enough stars to charm him omg i'm so mad nsdkfnskdofjheowkfjkofhoif

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