chapter 33

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I'd just like to inform you that rn i'm writing this on my laptop and the whole day yesterday and today my laptop has been on my floor literally right next to my vent so my laptop is freezing cold just a btw


*Nicole's POV*

I waited for a bit, talking with family members, until Sam arrived. "Ready to meet the family?" I asked him, giving him a quick peck, then helping him take his jacket off.

"Yup." he flashed his beautiful smile. I nodded and took his hand.

We walked around a bit until I saw Natalie. She was talking to my uncle Scott, who is her dad, ad cousin Ty. "Hey guys! I wanted you to meet my boyfriend, Sam." I said once we reached them. "Sam, this is my cousin Natalie, my uncle Scott, and cousin Ty."

"It's nice to meet you, Sam. I'm glad my favorite niece has finally found someone who is just as interested in the same stuff as her." my uncle said. Sam gave him a confused look. "Trust me, she tells us everything about you. And when I say everything, I mean everything." I blushed.

"Shut up, uncle Scott."

"It's true though." Natalie smirked.

"Don't be embarrassed babe. Embrace it." he smirked, too.

"Yeah, Nicole. Embrace it!" Ty teased me.

"Why do I put up with you guys." I said, then pulled Sam away from them to find someone else. Soon, I found my aunt Madilyn, who was holding Kallie.

"Hey aunt Madilyn!" I smiled. "Hey Kallie" I booped her nose. "This is my boyfriend, Sam. This is my aunt Madilyn and my cousin Kallie. Kallie's mom is around here somewhere. Madilyn is too young to be a mommy yet, she's only 23."

"Hey, great to meet you, Sam." she shook his hand.

"You too. Hi Kallie." Sam smiled at her.

"Hi" she cooed.


"Well, I guess I'll see you when I see you." I said to Sam. We were standing by the front door of his house a few weeks later. I leave today to go back to Minnesota, he leaves for Texas tomorrow.

He nodded and wrapped his strong arms around me. "Have a safe drive. I'll miss you. Text, call, or facetime whenever you get the chance."

"Of course."

After a minute or two, he pulled away. I already felt cold and lonely. "I love you. I'll see you in June, unless we can maybe visit each other before then." he said, giving me a long, sweet kiss.

"For sure. I'll try and make time. I love you, too." I gave him one last kiss before leaving his house and began the long drive to Duluth.


OK that's chapter 33 hehe i know it's reeeeeallllllyyyyyyyyy short sORRy i'm literally writing this at exactly 1:37 am and i'm tired af

but yaaa so my birthday was AWESOME AYEEE and ya tomorrow i'm going to south dakota yay but only for a day aw

ANYONE ELSE AGREE THAT SHAWN MENDES GIVES YOU MAJOR FEELS YES OR NO cause all i wanna do rn is sit on his face

ok byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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