chapter 32

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*Sam's POV*

I watched as Nicole admired the ring and necklace later on. She had to leave soon to go get ready for her family party, and we had to get ready for our party that was gonna be at my aunt and uncles. Right now, my family, Nicole, and I were watching my mom's favorite Christmas movie, 'It's A Wonderful Life'. But it was awfully hard to pay attention, because all I could look at was Nicole. She is so perfect. How did I get so lucky to get her, and then get her back?

I'm so thankful that after everything that's happened, she still loves me. I'd do anything for her, and it means a lot that she would too. She is so beautiful. Breathtaking, actually. The way she squints her eyes when she smiles or laughs. The way she likes to tease me, or the way she always lifts her one eyebrow. Sometimes she means to do it and sometimes it just happens when she is talking.

"Ok, I think that it's time I leave." she said after the movie ended.

"Ok, thanks for coming over Nicole. We had fun" my mom smiled.

"Of course, thanks for inviting me. And for the presents, I like them very much."

"Babe, lets quick get a picture before you leave." I said. She nodded and we handed our phones to Annie. We took some pictures then she said her goodbyes to my family and I helped her bring her presents to her car.

"Thanks again for inviting me, Sammy." she kissed my cheek after we filled her car. She was seated in the drivers seat, sideways so that her feet were sticking out of the car and she could look straight at me.

"No problem. I had fun babe." I kissed her lips.

"Maybe you could stop by our house tonight? My aunts are always calling me telling me they want to meet you, believe it or not." she giggled.

"Yeah, for sure. I'd love to come meet the rest of your family. And besides, your parents always throw the best parties."

She rolled her eyes. "Ok well you can't get too turnt in front of everyone"

"Yeah yeah. I know the drill."

"Ok, well I should get going." she said and positioned herself to sit straight.

"Yeah, love you." I gave her one more peck.

"Love you tooooo" she cooed. I shut her door for her then walked to the door. I watched as she drove off, then entered the house.

*Nicole's POV*

I got back to my house. My aunt Madilyn was already here helping my mom set up.

"Hey Mom, hey aunt Madilyn. Where's dad and uncle Mitch?" I asked.

"They went to the liquor store and grocery store." my mom informed me. "How was your little date with Sam's family?"

"Good, look what Sam gave me!" I showed them my ring and necklace.

"Aw that is so cute. He must be special." Madilyn said.

"He is. I love him." I smiled. After that I told my mom about the plane tickets, and she agreed to it. I helped set up a little bit, then went back to my room to get ready.

Since I had already showered, I didn't have to worry about that. So I just put on a gold sparkly high wasted with skirt, with a black tucked in camisole and a black blazer. I added black sheer tights and black heels. My hair was in the same style as earlier, curled and my bangs were held back by a bow. I wore all my regular makeup. Of course I was wearing the necklace and ring. As I looked in the mirror, I felt beautiful. I smiled to myself.

I went downstairs and saw a bunch of my family arriving. You see, we are having my dads side over, and going to my moms sisters for supper tomorrow, and my dad has 3 brothers and 5 sisters, so there is quite a lot of people here. I managed to find Darla, she was playing with my little cousin, Kallie.

"Hey girls" I smiled.

"Hi Coco" Kallie said. I kissed her cheek.

"Hey Kall, I missed you sweet cheeks." Kallie is literally so adorable. She is the same age as Darla.

"Kallie! Coco has a cutie boyfriend! They even kiss... On the lips!" Darla exclaimed. Kallie quickly covered her mouth in disgust.

"Ew!" she screamed. I laughed.

"You'll understand it when you're older." I ruffled both of their hair. After that I left them and found my mom, who was talking to my cousin Natalie, aka my favorite cousin. Natalie is 21 and she is literally so cool.

"Hey, Nat!" I smiled and hugged her.

"Hey babe! Missed you lots! Let's get a picture. Aunt Robin, can you take a picture of us two?" she asked my mom. My mom agreed and we handed her our phones. We took a few different pictures, then Natalie and I left my mom when she started talking to some of my aunts.

"Hey, can you take some pictures of me outside?" I asked her. What? I needed some for Instagram. She agreed and we went out onto my front porch. She had taken really cute pictures of me and I must admit a lot of them turned out Tumblr worthy. We got cold soon and went back inside, then I greeted the rest of my family. 

While I had gone to my room to 'go pee' I had called Sam.

"Hello?" he asked once he answered.

"Dude, come soon! Everyone is bugging about how much they wanna meet you." I said.

"Sure, I'll be there in like 15 minutes. Love you."

"Love you too" I said then hung up. Before going back downstairs, I edited one of the pictures and posted it. It was of me throwing snow up in the air.


@Nicoleharding: and you know i'd never let you down

till the sun comes up

we can own this town

something like make believe

living in a movie scene


Yes, I was quoting Long Way Home by 5SOS. Hate me, but they're perfect.


guys idk if you noticed but usually i kinda have a 'scedule' for when i update. i usually update every day and (at least where i live) it's literally any time around 11 pm- 2 am. thats when i have  most free time and when i write best. sometimes i update earlier in the day, depending  on what i have going on that day.

just a btw, when i told you about the luke fanfic, i do have like 3 and half chapters written;) i'm actually really excited, mainly cause its like a non-famous fanfic of luke and the boys AND IN IT HE"S A FOOTBALL PLAYER AHH OMG and the cover is just... damn. damn is all i can say about it.

idk when imma post the first chapter and shtuff, but it'll be soon so look for that babes:)


ok literally bye i'm boring myself with this rn

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