chapter 6

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*Nicole's POV*

"Ready to go?" Sam asked me. School just ended and we are going to my house for tutoring.

"Yup. Let's go" I said.

We walked out of the school hand in hand and then separated into our own cars.


We walked into my house and into the kitchen.

"Do you want something to eat?" I asked him, opening up the fridge.

"Ya sure. Whatever you eat I'll have"

I grabbed two snapples and then a container of fruit salad and set it on the table.

"I was thinking maybe we do our homework outside since it's really nice out. We can sit at the bar" I said, referring to the table outside by the pool. He agreed.

((A/N: So i know in the beginning of the book i said it was the first day back from winter break but i decided that this is happening in like April or May, when in Nebraska it starts to warm up outside and stuff. IM SORRY FOR THE BIG CHANGE))

We ate and then grabbed our drinks and bags and walked outside.

"So, you never told me where you're going to college?" he said, more like a question.

"Well I applied to a few of my favorite colleges.. But I'm really hoping I get accepted at UMD. (University of Duluth, MN) I wanna go for music, but also play basketball, volleyball, and soccer. What are you thinking?"

"I actually just recently got accepted to TCU...." he trailed off. Oh no. Texas...?

"TCU? As in Texas..."

"Um, yeah actually..." he said.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, a tear slipping from my eye.

"Hey now, don't cry babe." he wiped my eye. "And I didn't tell you because... Well I don't even know."

"Sam... You're going to Texas and I'm probably going to Minnesota. We're gonna be across the country from each other"

"I know but we'll make it work." he tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"I don't wanna be away from you"

"I know, but it's bound to happen" he said.

I didn't want to tell him, but I didn't fully trust him across the country. I had a feeling deep in my gut that he would cheat. I wanted to trust him, I really did but c'mon... There are so many beautiful girls that will be going to TCU that aren't me.

I took a deep breath. "Let's just do homework" I didn't want to think about leaving Sam in a few months.


Sam just left. It's 7:30. He ate dinner with us and then he stayed for a little bit longer to watch a baseball game that was on with my dad.

I went up to my room and immediately started crying as soon as I layed down on my bed. I was gonna miss him so much when we both leave for college. He already means so much to me and I don't want to imagine not seeing him for almost 9 months.

My mom came into my room and then sat down on my bed. She rubbed my back, calming me down. Once my crying had nearly stopped she helped me sit up. "Honey, what's going on?"

"S-Sam... Is going to Texas for college, Mom. I'm probably going to Minnesota." I cried lightly.

"Oh baby... I'm sorry but you have to know, no matter where you both go, you're still not gonna be able to see each other every day like normal. I know it's hard but that just makes the times you do get to see each other more sentimental and unforgettable. Trust me, you two will be able to make the distance work. And besides, you're not leaving anytime soon. You have till August." she said kissing my forehead.

"But mom... What if he cheats on me...?" I trailed off.

"I can promise you he won't. I see by the way he looks at you, he truly loves you and would never do anything to jeopardize your relationship." she said.

I took a deep breath. "Ya, you're right.... Anyway I think I'm just gonna go to bed."

"Ok honey. If you need anything remember me and dad are just downstairs if you want us." she said, standing up and walked over to the door. "Love you, honey. Sleep well."

"Love you, mom"

She left and I changed into sweats and an Ariana Grande concert tee shirt, then crawled into bed.


I woke up the next morning at 4:07 am. I rolled out of bed, knowing there was no way I was gonna fall back asleep.

Grabbing my phone from under my pillow, I texted Sam.


to: Big Pimp Sammy Wilk

sammy i woke up and can't fall back asleep... are you awake???


I only had to wait about 3 minutes till he texted me back.


from: Big Pimp Sammy Wilk

i can't sleep either. be ready in 15 minutes, i'll pick you up. let's do something:)

 to: Big Pimp Sammy Wilk

okey:) text me when you're here


I pulled myself out of bed. i took an extremely fast shower and changed into leggings and a long sleeve westside shirt with black uggs. Since this wouldn't be my actual outfit for school, I didn't worry about my hair and left it natural. I was comfortable around Sam so it didn't really bother me for him to see my curly hair. I also didn't put on any makeup.

Right as I was finishing up, Sam texted me that he was here. I quickly grabbed my purse, just in case and through my phone into it then made my way down the stairs and out to Sam's car.

"Thanks for doing this for me Sammy" I kissed his cheek as I got into the passenger seat.

"Anything for you, princess" he smiled, which caused me to smile too.

We drove a little bit, until he pulled into McDonalds. We got out and walked in. Sam ordered for both of us while I got us a table. There were about 15 people here. Sam soon slid into the booth and handed me my food and my hot chocolate. I thanked him.

As we were eating, I took a picture of Sam eating his food. He had these crazy eyes and his mouth was wide open and it was seriously so funny and cute. I posted the picture to my 9k Twitter followers.


@nicoleharding: 4:30 AM McDonalds trip with my loser


"So... Nicole. I know you really don't wanna talk about this, but we should probably talk about the whole college thing. I know that we still have a few months, but I just want you to know you can trust me. I know that my past girl experience isn't the best, but you have to know that since we've started talking, I've gotten better. I don't look at other girls the way I look at you. I don't fantasize about anyone other than you. I pinky promise I will never cheat on you, or do anything to hurt you because hurting you in anyway is the last thing I wanna do." he said and then held out his pinky.

I hooked my pinky with his. "I love you Sam."

"And I love you Nicole."

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