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Phil walked across the road with Dan, toward his house
"Hey, Phil?" Dan smiled
"Yeah?" Phil looked at Dan
"I'm s-sorry about you a-and Mariah-" He blushed and looked back at his feet
"She was a horrible girlfriend." Phil pushed his fringe out of his eyes, to hope to see Dans, once more before summer break.
"I'm g-gonna miss you." Dan blushed even harder,
"Fuck- Dan is so cute"
"I'm gonna miss you, too." Phil smiled.
"Don't g-go making a n-new best friend" Dan laughed, looking back up
"I wouldn't ever even try" Phil tried to catch Dan's eye. 
"Good. I-I wouldn't k-know what to d-do without y-you" Dan blushed and looked back down.
"Fucking hell Howell. Stop playing with my emotions"
"I don't know what I would do without you, Bear" Phil waved Dan goodbye.
"How am I supposed to live 3 months without him"

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