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O N E  Y E A R  L A T E R

Dan ran to his computer, throwing his bag on the floor as he texted Phil

'I'm home now'

Within seconds, the familiar Skype tone filled the house.
"Hey Bear" Phil laughed
"Did I m-mention in our conversation l-last night how m-much school fucking s-sucks without you?  Cause, it T-TOTALLY does." Dan couldn't stop smiling, as per usual with their Skype calls.
"I reckon you'd love York, Bear" Phil was smiling, too. "You need to visit this weekend"
"I'll t-try, mum says that I h-have to go to a doctors appointment on S-Saturday though, so I might not be there l-long, j-just late S-Saturday and Sunday"
"Even just one hour is better than going another week without you." Phil looked sad.
"I'll see if I can r-reschedule the d-doctor, you sure your dormmates won't m-mind?"
"If they do, they can shove it up their asses." Phil laughed "Oh also, babe?"
"Yeah?" Dan giggled, no matter how many times he heard Phil call him babe, it always made him feel giggly.
"Open up the internet and type in '' please." 
"Why?" Dan looked suspicious. "Y-You-Tube? Is this s-some kind of crazy porn w-website?"
"No! It's way cooler." Phil winked.
"Philip M-Micheal Lester, what the f-fuck are you on about?" Dan raised his eyebrow as he put in the URL.
"You on it yet?" Phil moved his head slightly to the side
"Yeah, n-now what?" Dan was scrolling around the website
"See that search bar?" Dan nodded "Type in 'AmazingPhil' all one word."
"Why 'A-AmazingPhil?'" Dan raised his eyebrow again. "I would say 'Amazing' d-doesn't even begin to describe y-you."
"I wanted to be first in the alphabet" Phil blushed slightly
"Of c-course" Dan laughed. "Did you f-film these?" Dan smiled fondly as he scrolled through Phil's channel.
"They're a-awesome!" Dan was looking at his screen in amazement. "What does 's-subscribing' do? Does it earn y-you money?"
"No- It's free, you just have to make an account- I don't earn money from it" Phil was blushing even more. Dan thought it was adorable.
"Okay- I'm m-making an account n-now" Dan smiled "It'll be the same as m-my Skype name-"
"Okay Dani snot on fire" Phil laughed, now Dan was blushing. Even in his horrible cameras quality, it was still probably obvious.
"Sh-shut up!" Dan laughed "I m-made it!" Dan was grinning with pride, as he clicked subscribe. "H-how long have y-you had this?"
"About two years" Phil chuckled
"Woah" Dan was slightly awestruck.
"Hey, Dan-" Phil was still acting a little nervous.
"Want to be in a video with me?" Phil blushed, and let his fringe fall forward slightly
"S-sure!" Dan giggled.
"One condition."
"You need to make a video on your channel."
"Ph-Phil- I don't know if I h-have enough- I'm not very g-good at-"
"Bear, trust me, it's really fun."
"E-even with my s-stutter?" Dan tried to hide his worry.
"I, personally, love your stutter."
"I, p-personally, love y-you" Dan was blushing again.


It was one a.m when Phil fell asleep. Dan thought he looked so cute.
"I w-want to marry you, o-one day" Dan mumbled, resting his hand on his chin
Phil's eyes flickered for just a second
"I want that, too" He murmured, sleepily.
Dan blushed bright red.
"I love you, Bear" Phil was still half-asleep "And I would stay on this call forever with you, but you need sleep. It's a school night."
"I love you too" Dan smiled. "G-Goodnight"

The call ended.

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