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Phil couldn't sleep, he couldn't eat, he only drank because the nurses forced him to. The only thing he could think about was Dan. His smile, his dimples, the way his hands fit perfectly with Phils, his hair when he first wakes up.
But it's all gone now. Dan will never forgive you. You took his fragile emotions and just ran them through the mud. Twice, in the space of three days.

Phil stopped texting Dan after it finally sunk in.
Dan's gone now. He thinks you love Mariah.
Phil cried until he couldn't anymore. All he wanted was his Bear.
But his Bear didn't want him.


Phil's mum came to visit the next morning since she couldn't get time off yesterday.

"So how are you?" She asked, looking at Phil's red face, it was obvious he had been crying all night.
"Mariah-- She-- Dan-- I--" Phil sobbed.
"Take a breather, hon. We have all day to sort this out"Phil's mum comforted him, kissing him on his head.


"And- and then M-Mariah kissed me a-again-- b-but Dan s-s-saw th-this time" Phil was still crying, but he had calmed down more.
"What did Dan do once he saw?" She was worried. Dan was almost as bad as Phil, she had seen his scars, especially on the night that he saved Phil.
"He l-let out a s-sob and r-r-ran away" Phil went back to full on crying. His mother just held him, trying to calm him down.

"Phil, have you messaged Dan?" She asked, seriously
"O-of c-c-course" Phil tried to wipe the tears away, but it didn't work
"Has he responded?" Phils mum was afraid of what Dan might do. He was like another son to her.
"N-n-no" He looked at his mum, "D-d-do you th-think h-he?" Phil burst into tears again.
"I can call his mum, she'll tell me if anything is wrong" Phil's mum left the side of Phil's bed.
Phil grabbed his phone. For once, he didn't know what to do, or who to text. He didn't really have any other friends aside from Dan. 
He had one unread message from an unknown number.

'Hey its Mariah, sorry for kissing you in front of Dan lol, I thought it would be funnier than it was. You reacted more than he did.'

Phil didn't know how to respond. He wanted Dan to see the message. to show him that he never wanted to be kissed by Mariah. To show Dan he loved him.

His mum walked back over to him.
"Dan is home, his parents have been checking on him every hour to make sure he's okay. He doesn't want to talk to anyone though." She smiled wearily. 
"Thank you" Phil smiled in return.

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