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When Phil was let out of the hospital, he was told he couldn't see Dan for a week, because of how he reacted when Dan showed up. His mother was going to make sure of it

"I have the week off to work from home, so we can just chat" His mum smiled, as she let him in the car
"I want Dan," Phil mumbled.
"You're 18, dear. You don't always get what you want" She laughed a little. Phil never acted 18.
"I'm 18, I should be allowed to pick and chose who looks after me" Phil sighed
"Doctors orders." His mum responded.
"Doctors orders are bullshit" Phil looked out the window.


It had been two days since Phil had come home from the hospital.
He was getting pretty good at Mario Kart by now, after playing for two days straight. Phil got up to get lunch when he heard his phone buzz.

'When r u getting out of hosp?'

It was Dan. Dan had texted him. Phil almost passed out from the excitement of receiving a message. Maybe the doctor was right about him interacting with Dan.

'Got out 2 days ago lol'

Phil wanted so badly just to leave one million x's and 'I love you' over and over until his phone broke.
But he didn't

'We need to talk' 

Dan wasn't wrong. Phil knew that they needed to talk, but somehow it worried him as if nothing he could say or do could save their relationship. Surely there was. If Dan loved Phil nearly as much as Phil loved Dan, it would be easy.

'Of course. When & Where?'

'Your house, 5 mins?'


"Fuck" Phil mumbled.
How was he supposed to convince his mum to let him be near Dan?
He walked downstairs.

"Hey" She smiled
"Canihangoutwit-" Phil tried to cover his face with his fringe
"But doctors orders" She pouted
"But we haven't spoken since-"
"Fine." She sighed, moving into the office. "But he's not staying the night."
"Yep!" Phil smiled, as he raced back upstairs, trying to find the nicest-casual-outfit he could.


Phil opened the door and was greeted with a gentle, yet overwhelming hug.
"I- I need to explain" Phil smiled, as Dan held him close.
"Pl-please do" Dan sniffled. He was crying.
"You know I love you, right?" Phil giggled lightly
Dan just nodded.


"Mariah wanted you to see." Phil showed Dan the text she had sent him.
"I'm s-so sorry I e-ever d-doubted you" Dan was crying, again. Whenever he wiped his eyes, he held the cuffs of his hoodie tightly in his fingers.
"Dan are you still-" Phil pointed to his now heavily stitched arm.
Dan nodded, leaning into Phil to support him as he cried more.
"I-I t-t-t-tried s-so h-h-hard n-not t-to" Phil had never heard Dan stutter so badly.
"Hey- Hey babe its okay, I'm here now. We'll get through this." Phil kissed Dan's head.
"B-but I k-keep d-d-disappointing y-y-you" Dan whispered.
"You have never disappointed me. Not once. Bear, I don't think you could ever truly disappoint me." Phil lifted Dan's head, so he was looking at him.
Phil's face was centimetres from Dan's.
Dan closed the gap.
The kiss was soft, it was calming. As if the horrible storm Phil's life had become had suddenly passed. As if Dan was the answer to every problem he had. He wished it would just last forever because every time he kissed Dan it was always like the first time they kissed. Every time he looked into his chocolate-brown eyes, he fell in love all over again.
True bliss.

When the kiss finally broke off, Dan was blushing.
"H-hey Phil" He giggled, which was unusual for Dan.
"Mmhmm?" Phil smiled
"I th-think I like y-you" He laughed
Phil kissed Dan again.

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