Alternate Ending cont-

14 1 10

F O U R  Y E A R S  L A T E R

Dan woke up earlier than Phil, since one of them had to get Daisy ready to go to Dan's parent's house and it sure as hell wouldn't be Phil, he was too tired in the mornings.
"You up?" He knocked on Daisy's door, before opening it.
"No" She mumbled, pulling the pillow over her face.
"C'mon- You get to see Grandma and Grandad today" Dan laughed, picking her up bridal style, before tickling her.
"AHH! I'm gonna tell!" She giggled.
"I have to brush your hair and make it look nice, otherwise Phil will do it and I hate losing to Phil." Dan smiled
"Flower crown!" She pointed to the crown, it was a custom one, similar to those they used to sell, but it was all daisies.


Dan gave her pigtails and placed the crown atop her head.
"Perfect" He smiled, as she ate her breakfast.
"Why do I have to go to Grandmas and Grandads" She turned to face Dan.
Dan sighed. They hadn't told YouTube about Daisy, so she couldn't come with them to VidCon, and anyways she'd just complain the entire time.

"We have work" Dan nodded, picking Daisy up and putting her on his back.
"Can I wear my princess dress?" She clapped, smiling.
"Sure" He piggybacked her upstairs.
"Wee!" She giggled, throwing her hands up.
"Shh. If Daddy wakes up then he'll be grumpy"
"Grumpy Daddy!" She laughed, playing with Dan's curls.


"DADDY" Daisy giggled, shaking Phil awake. "We have to gogogo!"
"Hmm?" He mumbled
"We're going in 10" Dan smiled.
"Make it 30-"
"We're going in 10- daddy" Dan whispered the last word, but Phil still heard
"I'm up!" He sat upright. "I need to go get changed- go pack her toys" Dan walked Daisy out of the room.


"Daisy, you ready?" Dan yelled, walking up the stairs.
"Almost-" She pushed the last toy into her backpack.
"Did daddy pack your suitcase-"
Daisy pointed to the suitcase in the corner of her room, which was covered in stickers.
"Cool- I'll just check if daddy is ready" Dan smiled, walking into his room.

"Is daddy ready yet?" Dan kissed Phil on the cheek
"Fuck off" Phil giggled- blushing a little. He was almost done fixing his quiff. "Have you even started packing?"
"I'll do it when we get back from dropping Daisy." Dan shrugged
"It's a two-hour drive total, we're leaving tonight" Phil sighed. "If you keep doing this you'll start removing years from my life in the goddamn stress"
"It'll be fine" Dan laughed "Anyway's, aren't thrills supposed to make life better?" Dan kissed Phil again "Now hurry your ass up, we need to go"


"Bye Daisy! Have fun! We'll miss you!" Dan hugged Daisy, even though Phil was holding her.
"Nice seeing you two!" His mum smiled, taking Daisy from Phil "We need to have dinner sometime"
"Definitely" Dan nodded, hugging his mum before they got back into the car.
"Packing time?" Phil sighed
"I want to see if I can film-"
"You. Fucking. Can't" Phil laughed.
"Watch me, bitch" Dan turned on Phil's diss track
"AHH NO STOP FUCK FINE YOU CAN RECORD JUST AHH STOP" Phil was physically cringing.
"That's what I thought" He laughed, before swapping it to their usual playlist.

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