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Phil waited outside Dan's house, as per usual. When Dan closed the door, he ran over to Phil.
"Someone's happy this morning" Phil laughed, quickly kissing Dan
"I m-missed walking to school w-with you" He smiled, as Phil intertwined his fingers with Dans.
"Oh hey- there's something I need to do today" Phil looked at Dan
"Wh-what?" Dan replied
"Talk to Mariah." Phil looked straight ahead, seriously.

He hadn't heard from her since the text she sent him about the hospital-kissing-incident. He has been thinking of all the things he needed to tell her, about how she almost ruined his life, again. About how she manipulated him to hurt Dan, again. About how she is so hellbent on making Phil and Dan's lives a shit storm, she's losing control of her own in her jealous rage. Was it even a jealous rage? Or did she just hate Dan so much that she pretends she still loves Phil? Whichever it was, she was awful.
And she wasn't even that good of a girlfriend.

"Y-you sure you n-need to?" Dan seemed worried, Phil had never been angry at Dan, or at least not nearly as angry as he was with Mariah.
"Yeah. She can't keep fucking you over and be pretending she's in love with me" Phil tightened his grip on Dan's hand slightly as they entered the school grounds.
Usually, Phil let Dan pull his hand away, the sudden coldness was like a wakeup call that being gay still wasn't socially acceptable. But not today. Today Phil wanted to show how much he loved Dan.

"Oh look its the resident homosexuals, holding hands I see. Are you asking to be fucking beat up? Unlike in Dan's bedroom, there won't be a fucking safe word." Steve, the resident asshole, laughed.
"At least he actually gets to have sex, unlike you, you dumbass virgin," Phil replied, not even looking up.
"Do you want to fight, Lester? Who will hold your fucking-gay-ass boyfriend's hand while me and the guys deck you?"
"Technically, it's 'The guys and I"  and also, I have no plans to fight you, because I have no intention of being expelled because some asshole can't accept this"
Phil kissed Dan, it was cautious at first, but Dan soon got used to kissing in school.
There was a range of 'ews' to 'awws' from the crowd which had formed around them.
Phil spotted Mariah after the kiss ended.

"Mariah." He yelled, pointing in front of him, Dan standing slightly behind Phil, worried.
"Look- I don't want any trouble- I-" She was bright red, and didn't look up
"You. You think it's funny, destroying the only good thing left in my fucking life?" Phil lifted her head up "Look at me when I'm fucking talking to you. You want to ruin not only my life but the life of my boyfriend who has NEVER DONE ANYTHING TO YOU. There is being fucking petty, then there is being a fucking asshole who can't get over shitty ass fake relationships."
"Phil, please stop" She mumbled.
"Didn't you want this attention? Didn't you want my attention when you kissed me in front of Dan? Remember? In the fucking hospital?  After I had attempted suicide? Did you think "I'm gonna fucking snog the guy I broke up with three years ago in front of his boyfriend because I'm a sadistic little fuck?" Becuase, that is a new low, even for you."
Mariah looked up.
"Look, I fucked up, okay? I get it. You clearly love him. Which sucks for me I guess, but I tried to show you that I was better for you than, well, than him. But I guess I was wrong. I'm sorry."
"Leave us the fuck alone. Also, I will never accept your apology." Phil walked away, still holding onto Dan.
Dan pulled Phil closer to him, before kissing him.
"What was that for?" Phil laughed
"S-sticking up f-for us" Dan smiled, kissing Phil again.
"I love you" Phil whispered.
"I love you, t-Too" Dan whispered back.

They looked into each others eyes for a few seconds, before walking into school

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