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When Dan finally got home, he didn't greet his parents. He just started walking straight upstairs.
"Dan? Dinner is downstai-"
"I'm not hungry" He replied, before closing his door.

Dan lay on his bed and shoved his pillow on his face, then burst into tears.
Why would you think that Philip Micheal Lester would ever love you? You were just a fling. He's a year above you. You would just break up after this year, anyways. 
Dan wanted to just fade out of existence, but he promised Phil he would stop self-harming
Phil also promised he loved you, but look at how effortlessly he threw that away.
Dan got off his bed and walked to his chest of drawers
He picked up the figurine Phil bought him last year and placed it in the bin, delicately. Dan then reached into the pocket of the sweater he was wearing before he threw it off on the bus.
Phil's suicide note.
"He'll probably explain about him and Mariah." Dan scoffed, as he unfolded the paper. He was trying to act like his boyfriend making out with a different person didn't shatter his entire reality.

'Dan, I love you, please stay strong without me. I don't want my end to be yours too. You were the best boyfriend I could ever have imagined. I know it may seem tough now, but you've gotta stay strong. Just remember that I always love you, even when I'm not there.
I love you, Bear'

Dan crumpled the paper up and threw it across the room. Bullshit. 
He walked downstairs again, to get dinner
"Hey bub we gotta talk" His mum stopped him in the doorway
"What" Dan tried to cover his face as much as possible with his fringe.
"You look like you've been crying, you came home super late, your boyfriend is in the hospital for god's sake. Whats up?" She sat Dan down.
"Nothing" He stood back up, grabbed dinner, then walked back upstairs.
Phil isn't your boyfriend. He used you, remember? 
Dan left his dinner on his desk and started to go to sleep when his mum entered his room.
"Phil's mums on the phone, she want's to chat"
"No" Dan sighed, pulling his duvet completely over him, so he was engulfed in it.
"Okay" She closed the door.

"I love you, Philip Micheal Lester" Dan whispered "Even if you don't love me back"

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