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Phil opened his eyes, it was extremely bright, for some reason.
"Turn down the fuckin brightness" He muttered, not realizing where he was.
He turned his head to see Dan, asleep in a chair, holding his hand.
"Where the fu-" A nurse walked over to Phil.
"Mister Lester. Nice to see you're awake" The nurse smiled at Phil.
"Hi- Sir, can I spend a second with my boyfriend before I get questioned for suicide" Phil looked the nurse directly in the eyes.
"S-sure?" He walked away.

"Bear" Phil smiled, moving his hand, hoping it would wake Dan.
It worked.
"Phil-- I" Dan smiled, tears falling from his eyes "I d-don't know what I w-would've done w-without you"
"I'm so sorry- I need to explain myself" Phil smiled. He pulled through, He could have Dan forever now.
"My Dad- He didn't pull through his cancer, and he died, and-" Phil felt his eyes watering, Dan looked so worried
"Phil I'm so s-sorry for your-"
"I didn't finish, Howell." Phil laughed lightly "And at school today, well, yesterday... They found my scars... They figured you would have scars too- I'm so sorry that I brought you into this- Did I mention I love you? Then I was just thinking about how everyone I ever truly love either wants to die or dies, and I got really-- sad? Empty? Suicidal. Anyways I thought about how I'm such a horrible person cause I can't even keep my boyfriend happy and-"
"Phil you and I both know that's untrue." Dan squeezed Phil's hand.
"Yeah, so once I did it" Phil motioned to his bandaged arm "I realized I can't imagine being without you, so I texted you."
"Phil as sweet as that is, I could've been passed out on my bathroom floor again" Dan laughed.
"I knew you weren't. You promised you'd try stop." Phil smiled.

Dan kissed Phil, not caring about who saw.

"Mister Lester, your time is up, we need to do checkups" The nurse smiled. "Your brother can stay with you-"
Dan blushed as Phil laughed "Boyfriend. I certainly don't hope we're brothers"
The nurse raised his eyebrow at Dan, before smiling.


Phil's mum visited Phil, and Dan went home because his parents were actually home for once.
"I could stay- They'd u-understand-" Dan smiled at Phil
"No, babe, you have to explain why there is a broken bathroom tile and why your hand is bandaged." Phil laughed a little.
"I love you, Ph-Philip Lester" Dan giggled, kissing Phil's hand before leaving.

"So. Phil, how long have you been-" His mother glanced at his arm that wasn't bandaged, which still had scars on it.
"I was three years clean" Phil smiled.
"You didn't tell me you had even started." His mum chuckled "Wait, three years, you broke up with Mariah three years ago, you first told me you liked Dan three years ago, you told me you were bisexual three years ago, you-"
"We get it, my life started three years ago" Phil looked at his mum, who was still mumbling things that happened three years ago. She smiled
"You know he would still be proud-" His mum wiped her eyes "even though you feel like he wouldn't be" She held his face in her hands "He and I are always proud"
Phil felt his eyes watering. His dad wasn't ever super macho-dad-esque, he was a lot more of a plush-soft-dad.
Phil aspired to be like his dad.
"Hey, mum-" Phil looked up at his mum
"Mmhmm?" She mumbled
"I want to be a dad one day" Phil laughed a little
"Judging by the fact you find that funny, I'm assuming you want Dan in the picture then?" She didn't even look up- again. She was so casual about Phils relationships
"Yeah- I always want Dan in the picture" Phil couldn't stop smiling. Dan made him smile, even when he wasn't there. If that isn't love, he didn't know what was
"Surrogate" She nodded, as if not talking to Phil.
"I would've thought Dan would carry the baby," Phil said, sarcastically.
"I always thought you topped-" She smiled
"MUM WHAT THE HECK" Phil yelled, covering his bright-red face
"Sorry but you just confirmed it" She laughed
"I REFUSE TO COMMENT WITHOUT A LAWYER" Phil laughed, trying to sound as serious as possible. "Anyways how do you know the phrase 'topping'?"
"I went on Tumblr once. I hope your Tumblr is much better than your brothers-"
"STOP. I don't want to know." Phil sighed, laughing.

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