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Short Chapter!
Phil opened his twitter in the morning and typed out a tweet
'Doing a Q&A video with special guest @ danisnotonfire! Send me messages on my Formspring!' 
He then linked his Formspring and posted it


 When Dan got off the train in York, Phil gave him the biggest hug he could.
"Do you know how much it annoys me that I can't hug you over Skype." Phil laughed
"I think it a-annoys me m-more" Dan smiled, kissing Phil.
"You ready for a Q&A from my followers?" Phil held Dan's hand.
"Yeah, sh-should I be w-worried?" Dan nervously laughed
"I don't know, let's find out" They began walking back to Phil's dorm.


"Why do you a-always wear cat whiskers o-on your face?" Dan reads as Phil burst into laughter.
Phil got up and grabbed a sharpie.
"Hmm?" Dan looked confused
"Let's DRAW CAT WHISKERS ON OUR FACES!" Phil was still laughing
"Y-YES!" Dan replied, laughing now.


"If you ever h-had any kids what w-would their names be?" Dan read out.
"What a random question" Phil looked at Dan
"What w-would you name th-them?" Dan smiled
"If it was a boy, Tyrone" Phil laughed.
"If it w-was a girl?" Dan moved his head slightly to the side
"Daisy, I think" Phil nodded
"Daisy is a w-wonderful name" Dan giggled.


"Favourite breed of dog?" Phil read off his screen
"Hmm, C-corgi? Maybe Shiba I-Inu?" Dan looked confused as if he couldn't decide
"I love corgis" Phil laughed.


"This w-was the most f-fun I have ever h-had" Dan laughed
Phil hug-tackled Dan, before kissing him, hidden from the camera.

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