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Phil was trying his hardest to 'aesthetically place' his houseplants on their mantelpiece, so they were symmetrical with the picture of him and Dan on their 10-year anniversary of meeting.

"That's 10 years of knowing you" Dan smiled fondly, before kissing Phil's forehead.
"Time flies when you're having fun" Phil laughed, before kissing Dan.

Dan should be showing up soon. He hadn't seen their house in-person before, only ever in photos that Phil had snapchatted him.

He then flopped himself onto the couch and grabbed his laptop from the coffee table and pulled up the information for the dogs they were going to get. They both looked so amazing and fluffy, and both live well with other dogs. 

"The bestest boys" Dan laughed as Phil showed him the website.

Phil looked at his watch, Dan should be there any second now. He promised he would be as punctual as public transport would allow him since they haven't bought the car they want yet.

Phil was about to get up and get some cereal when he heard it.
Tyre screeches, a loud thud, and a scream.
He ran to the window and looked out.

"No" Phil covered his mouth, backing away from the window, tears welling in his eyes. "No that can't be him"
He threw on some shoes and ran out onto the road to check.
He didn't even have to see his face to know, he knew the entirety of Dan's body better than he knew his own.
Dan was hit by a car.
He began crying. 
"Dan- Dan please don't leave me." He was now sobbing. He didn't want to touch Dan, in case he was already stone cold.
The woman driving the car pulled out her phone and called an ambulance.


The ambulance arrived and they began to load Dan into it on a stretcher.
"Can I p-please come?" Phil was trying not to burst into tears again.
"What's your relationship with the injured?"
"His name is Dan, he's my f-fiance" Phil wiped his eyes
"Oh- Okay." He helped Phil into the ambulance.


Phil looked over at Dan, his face was grazed, as were his arms. He seemed fine, from the outside. Aside from maybe needing stitches, he should be fine. 

"Oi- Dan you okay?" Phil ran over to Dan, after Steve had thrown him against the brick wall, then kicked him.
Dan coughed, before looking up. "I-I'll be f-f-fine" He stuttered.
"No, you won't be. Let's go to the nur-"
"No. I will be fine, Phil.

Phil never understood why Dan didn't want to go to the nurse, until now.
His scars. He didn't want the nurse to see his scars.
How could Phil not have realised it sooner?

"Hey Phil, I love you" Dan laughed as Phil gave him his morning coffee.
"DAN!" Phil yelled
"What?" Dan cocked his head to the side like a puppy
"YOU DIDN'T STUTTER!" Phil jumped, almost spilling all of his coffee
"I guess not?" Dan was now laughing.
"YAY!" Phil was jumping around the room
"Celebratory cake?" Dan smiled
"YES!" Phil took a sip of his coffee.

Dan hadn't stuttered for two years. Phil still feels bubbly inside whenever he thinks about how his boyfriend-at-the-time somehow cured his stutter in 2017. He remembered Dan filming the video about it, and how he couldn't stop smiling.

"What're you looking at?" Dan laughed.
"Nothing in particular" Phil smiled in return.
Which was a complete lie. He was looking at Dan, more specifically his smile, and his dimples. Dan probably had the prettiest smile in the entire world, in Phil's opinion.


Phil was pacing back and forth in the hospital, on the phone to Dan's mum

"Is he breathing?" She was crying on the phone
"I- Yes" He wasn't trying to tell her that, he was trying to tell himself that Dan would still be breathing.
"Do they know what happened?"
"He got hit by the car" Phil sat back down, before getting back up
"What's the damage?" 
"I don't know." Phil sighed, the phone call ended.


12:10 A.M
"Phil Lester?" A nurse approached him.
"How is he? Is he okay? Will he be okay?" Phil was panicking
"Sir, please come with me" She began walking down to an emptier corridor.
"What happene-"
"Daniel didn't make it." She looked at him sadly, although there was no real empathy.
"No- he c- he- no" Phil was crying, he felt like he couldn't stand. "He- No- you're- he"
"I'm sorry. There was nothing they could've done. He seemed like he was going to pull through"
"C-can I see him?" He whispered.


Phil walked over to Dan, he expected Dan to open his eyes, to smile and tell him that he loved him.
He didn't move.
"Dan-" Phil was crying. He looked so at peace like he was asleep, except he wasn't even breathing.
Phil held Dan's hand. It was colder than normal. Not as cold as he thought it would be.
"Daniel James Howell was confirmed dead at 12:00 A.M" The doctor said as if it would comfort Phil.
"W-was he in- Was he in p-pain?" Phil couldn't breathe.
"Not when he died. But he was when the car hit him." The doctor sighed
"D-did he s-say anything?"
"He asked for you, that was all he said."
"He- He did?"
"The only thing he said was 'Phil'. Then he fell back unconscious and died."


Phil got a taxi home, except it didn't feel like home anymore. It was cold.
He ran straight upstairs and fell on his bed, crying and screaming.
His entire life he had been waiting for the day he could say that Dan was his husband. Now, he never could.
Phil cried and screamed until he passed out of fatigue. He knew in the morning he would need to film a video, telling his viewers what happened.


"Hey guys-" Phil kept saying it over and over, but it always sounded raw and sad. That's how Phil felt, though.
He flopped on the bed again, pulling out his phone and seeing millions of notifications.

Youtube star and Young Minds Ambassador Daniel James Howell dies at age 27 after a collision with a car.
On the 19th of October, at exactly Midnight, Daniel James Howell was confirmed dead. They say his business partner Phil Lester was waiting for him in the hospital when he died.

Phil opened Twitter. #RIPDanHowell was trending, he even had his own twitter moment. Phil's feed was full of tweets about Dan. He needed to make that video, to tell everyone about them. He didn't want to be known as his fucking business partner.

"Hey guys. I'm sure if you have read the news, you already know what has happened, and- Well- It's true." Phil's eyes began to water. "Dan- My fiance-  is dead." He burst into tears. "We- I- I'm so sorry-" He turned off his camera. and quickly put the video on his computer and tried to edit as much as possible, before writing a title, quickly.
"It's true (i'll discuss later)"

Phil pressed upload.

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