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N I N E  Y E A R S  L A T E R
Dan was going to visit his and Phils new house. He hadn't seen it up close before, only in the many pictures Phil had shown him. They usually went to visit flats together, but Dan had to go to visit his family.
Dan ran his finger over his engagement ring,
He and Phil had been planning this for years. Now it was real.
Dan could see the place. His place. His and Phils place. Their place. It was three bedrooms, it had two offices (One for the gaming room, one for him and Phil to edit their videos) and it was spacious. The dream home.
They were going to get a Shiba Inu and a Corgi.
"They'll get us so many views" Phil laughed after they decided on the breeds.
Phil had said there was something important he needed to ask him when he got to the house. It was probably something to do with their wedding.
"In just 3 months, I will be married to Phil Lester."
Dan couldn't help but smile and fidget with his ring. 
He was across the road from the house, he could see Phil in the window. Phil hadn't noticed him.
"I'll surprise him."
Dan loved surprising Phil. It was his speciality, jumpscares, usually. He walked back down the road a little, to a bench, semi-hidden by the cars parked along the street. He needed a plan.

Dans Masterplan-

Run across the road directly across from neighbours on the left side (to avoid being seen by Phil)
Walk down the alley between neighbour and our house
Enter from back garden (unless Phil locked the door I saw in that photo, in which, use spidey limbs to pull over the fence)
Enter back door
Jump onto couch
Attack with hugs and smiles
be the best fiance ever

Dan smiled. "Perfect" He mumbled, closing the notes app. He glanced back at the window.
Could Phil tell he was in perfect eyeshot? Everyone can see him... I guess its a bonus he is dressed neatly.
Dan looked around him, a little girl and her mother walked past him. She had a warm coat on. It wasn't even that cold, but Dan figured that you could never be too safe when dealing with kids.
"Maybe one day, Phil and I will be able to walk our kid or kids down this road" Dan laughed at even the idea that he would have children.
He wanted kids, so did Phil, but they had no intention of ever 'coming out' to their audience. SO having children, and hiding them, and still 'maintaining' their channels. (by barely ever uploading, aside from their gaming channel)would be difficult. Dan knew that if he wanted to be a parent, he didn't want to have to hide his child. Phil felt the same, but unlike Dan, he had thought about 'coming out' a few times.

"Dan, I know you don't like talking about this, but-"
"If it involves that fucking plasma ball I'm gonna-"
"No!" Phil laughed "I was thinking more about us"
"Mmhmm?" Dan leaned onto Phil. Using him as a pillow
"Do you ever want to tell them?" Phil looked at Dan, directly in the eyes
"No. It's not their business." Dan didn't move position.
"I just feel like, they deserve to know?"
"I don't think they do" Dan laughed.

Dan thought about that conversation a lot. Phil hadn't asked about it since. Dan knew he wanted to, but their fans didn't need to know everything about their goddamn lives.
Dan got up off the bench and decided to change the plan a little

Dans Masterplan-
Run across the road directly across from neighbours on the left side (to avoid being seen by Phil)
Walk down the alley between neighbour and our house
Enter from back garden (unless Phil locked the door I saw in that photo, in which, use spidey limbs to pull over the fence)
Enter back door
Jump onto couch
Attack with hugs and smiles
Give coffee

be the best fiance ever

He began walking down to a coffee shop he passed on the way to the house. He ordered his and Phils coffees, paid, and waited.

"Order for Daniel" The man behind the counter smiled, passing Dan the drinks.

Dan began walking to the house. He stopped opposite their neighbours' house on the left side.
Phil was still inside, still visible.
"Damn" Dan smiled, looking at Phil

Dan started running across the road, he was so focused on not dropping the coffee, he didn't notice the 4x4 driving down the road.
Dan was still smiling when they collided.

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