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Phil woke up to the nurse smiling 
"You have a visitor" They ushered the girl in.

"Hey babe" She cooed at Phil, gently kissing his forehead.
"Fuck. Off" Phil tried to push her away, but couldn't
"Wow, sudden aggression, not cute" She whispered angrily into Phils ear
"What do you want" He sighed, wanting her away from him as soon as possible
"To apologize for mentioning your self-harm to everyone in the class. It wasn't cool" She leaned into Phil slightly "I just did it because I love you-" She kissed him on the lips
"No, you don't. What do you really want" Phil was pushing himself as far away from her as possible.
"Yes, I do. Babe, please listen. I know you only started dating Dan to make me jealous. It's painfully obvious, honey" She smiled at him
"The way you always blush when I'm around, the way you always glance at me, you still love me, too" She kissed Phil again
"No. You're wrong" Phil pulled away.

Phil lost his virginity to Mariah, but he hated having sex with her, so he doesn't say it counts. He was only 15, too, so it wasn't even legal.


"Phil, babe, why aren't you listening to me, to your heart?" Mariah seemed hurt. She turned to face him from the end of his bed, glancing down the corridor
"Because my heart says Dan and so do I." Phil sighed
"Does it really?" She smiled, walking back over to him, before intensely kissing him.
"Ph-" Dan stopped in his tracks
Mariah kept kissing Phil.
Dan let out a sob, turned and began walking back down the halls.
"GET THE FUCK OFF ME" Phil yelled, after finally getting the strength to push her off. "SECURITY PLEASE HELP" Phil screamed, hoping Dan might hear him.
Phil's entire mind filled with Dan's voice, the brief beginning of Phil's name, it was so happy, but then, the sob.
Dan saw.
Security took Mariah away, and a nurse began to assess Phil, who was now screaming, crying and struggling to get out of his bed.
"Sir, calm down" The nurse held him down
Phil kept sobbing and screaming.
It was no use.
Dan had left the building.


Bear, please answer me. It wasn't what it looked like. You know how much I hate Mariah, I would never cheat on you. Please don't do anything you will regret.

Bear I love you, please come back we need to talk. 



Phil kept texting Dan. Dan wasn't even opening the messages, he had probably turned off his phone.
At least Dan's parents are at home, he can't do anything serious, right?
Phil refused to eat or drink anything all day. He just wanted to wake up from this horrible nightmare.
Did Mariah intend this? Was it accidental? Does she actually love him?
No. She hates Dan. She wanted him to suffer, surely.


Bear. I love you more than everything in this universe combined. Please respond.


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