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Dan looked into Phils eyes, they were the most enchanting eyes he had ever seen in his entire life.
They seemed blue, at first glance, but on closer inspection, they were filled with whorls of greens and speckles of gold. They seemed to glitter under a light and perfectly reflected Phil's personality. Dan could easily just drown in Phil's eyes. The way he could always find them no matter how crowded an area was. They were Phil's eyes, but Dan memorised them.

"Hey Phil" He giggled. Dan never giggled, it just wasn't the sort of thing he would do, and yet, there he was, giggling.
"Mmhmm?" Phil hummed, smiling at Dan, who was smiling and giggling. He couldn't even form a sentence, let alone say one, but Dan never could say a sentence without stuttering.
"I th-think I like y-you" Dan laughed, remembering when Phil first said that to him only a few months ago. Oh how Dan's life had changed in only a few months
Phil just kissed Dan again.

It was another magical kiss. Dan always thought he would get used to kissing his S.O if he ever got one, but every time he kissed Phil, it was even more amazing than the next. Except amazing couldn't cut it, amazing didn't even BEGIN to describe Phil Lester's kisses. They were like warm showers after freezing cold days, like freshly baked cookies, like walking in a field in spring when all of the flowers had bloomed.
Phil Lester's kissing was everything, and Dan was able to experience it.


"Ph-Phil, I have a s-serious question" Dan smiled. They had just been chatting. Dan loved it when they could just talk for hours and nothing felt forced or wrong.
"What is it?" Phil looked at Dan.
"What h-happens after school e-ends?" Dan had been dreading asking that question for as long as he had found out Phil was actually a year above him

"So, what year are you?" Phil asked Dan, as he tried to catch a frog
"Y=year 9, but I'm the o-oldest one. I missed the c-cutoff by like, two d-days." He laughed, before crouching down to help Phil.
"Oh, cool! I'm year 10, but I'm one of the younger ones." Phil smiled at him
"GOTCHA" He held the frog triumphantly, as they pulled themselves up
"N-Now what?" Dan smiled
"Now, you're going to have to trust me. I'm going to put this in my brother's bed, tonight. I will tell you his reaction tomorrow.
"That sounds a-amazing" Dan laughed.

"Dan, I won't be breaking up with you if that's what you're thinking." Phil laughed.
"But... A-aren't you going t-to Uni in Y-York?" Dan held his breath, hoping Phil would answer. Phil hated discussing his future without Dan.
"Maybe I'll take a gap year." Phil shrugged "Maybe I'll visit you every single weekend" He smiled, poking Dan in his side
"Ow-" Dan smiled.
"If you think some fucking university is going to keep me away from my bear, you thought wrong. The doctors told me I couldn't talk to you for a week, but here I am." Phil ran his fingers through Dan's hair
"Literally?" Dan relaxed into Phil
"Yeah" Phil replied  

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