Twenty One

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Daisy ran downstairs, her ginger braids flying behind her.
"I'm ready for school, Daddy!" She giggled. 
"Give me a minute-" Phil laughed, grabbing Daniel out of his high chair.
"Can Teddy come too?" She ran over to their Shiba Inu, cuddling it
"No, I'll give him walkies after." Phil carried Daniel on his hip while grabbing the keys. "You sure you're ready?" He smiled as she ran out the door. "I'll take that as a yes."


When they got to the school, Phil helped Daisy out of her car seat.
"Have a good day at school, Daisy!" He laughed as she gave him the biggest hug she could
"Are you visiting Daddy today?" She whispered into his ear. Phil nodded. "Tell him I love him!" She smiled, as she skipped down the path. Phil drove to the daycare and dropped Daniel off, before heading to the cemetery.


"So-" Phil sat next to his grave, there were fresh flowers laying on it, there always was. Fans always left them on his grave.
"D-Daisy says she loves you" He laughed a little.
She had only ever met Dan once. She was going to be their only child, but when Dan died, Phil felt the house was too big for just the two of them, so he chose to adopt another kid.
"I know I only visit you once a year- but- Bear, you'd understand that- It's just, it's still hard for me to imagine you dead." He sighed. "Even when we first lowered you into the ground- it wasn't real to me."
Phil kept talking to the grave, about how he reached 6 million subscribers, about how Daniel said his first word, which was rubbish- Phil thought Dan would find it funny.

"Oh, and one more thing Bear-" Phil played with the engagement ring on his finger.

"I love you" He wiped the tears from his eyes, before getting up.
"I always will."

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