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When Dan got home, his parents were sitting on the couch, watching the Great Brittish Bake-Off.
"H-Hey! That's m-my favourite!" Dan laughed, sitting on the couch next to them.
"Hey hon" His mum smiled, kissing his forehead. "So- the second year without a babysitter in the house with you..." Her face went serious "You could've told us, you know. Just cause we're up the country doesn't mean we don't want to know about your life." She kept looking at Dan.

"M-mum- I-" Dan's face went red
"I care about your relationships" She went back to watching the T.V
"Wow I th-thought you were g-going to br-" Dan sighed in relief
"Oh, we're going to talk about that, at dinner" She looked at Dan's dad, who nodded in agreement.
Dan covered his left hand and pulled his sleeves as low down as possible.


"Daniel James Howell" His mother smiled "For  £500 could you please explain the cracks in a certain boys bathroom" She tried to sound like a presenter as much as possible
"W-what is- my fist" Dan smiled in return
"Okay- no- but seriously" His dad looked at him "How long have you been..."
"How l-long have I b-been what?" Dan looked at his dad. There were lots of things Dan had been doing for a long time.
"The- the punching the tiles, the hiding knives in your room- the self-harm" He looked worried, "I thought you had anti-depressants"
"I f-fucking hate p-pills" Dan shrugged
"Daniel- don't swear at the table, please." His mother looked over at him "Or in general, swearing isn't good"
"Well s-scientifically it is" Dan smiled
"The point of this conversation" Dans father pointed to nothing in the air "The TANGENT we are going on" He flung his other arm in a different direction. Dan laughed.
"Do you want therapy?" His mother smiled
"F-fuck no. I have Ph-Phil" Dans face went red. "Phil is basically m-my therapist"
"Based on your arms, he's a pretty bad therapist" Dan's dad pointed to them "They're like- a week old"
"D-did you u-use to-" Dan was surprised
"Yeah." His dad nodded.
"S-since you guys aren't a-around often here's my life s-story of the past t-two years, oh also, Phil is a g-great therapist"
"Somehow, I don't want to know why" His mum chuckled


"And Phil first t-told me he loved me a-about a week ago" Dan's face was bright red.
"Seems a bit in-time with the stopping of the self-harm" His mother nodded
"If you're happy, I'm happy" His dad smiled.
Dan got out of his chair and hugged his parents
"I love you g-guys. I also l-love it when you c-come home" Dan was grinning
"We try to come home when we can" His mother laughed.


"Hows trying to sleep at the hospital?"
"Boring, I would much rather be asleep with u"
"Same. Did I mention I love you?"
"Bear you keep saying it"
"Cause when I text I dont stutter"
"Anyways, you need to go to sleep, Mum says I can bunk off school 2 visit u"
"Good, we had an english test"
"fuck thank god im not going, i havent studied"
"Goodnight bear xoxoxoxoxoxoxo"
"Goodnight Fish xoxoxoxoxoxoxox"

Dan turned his phone off
"Th-thank you for keeping Ph-Phil Lester alive," Dan said, to nothing in particular.

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