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Dan ran out of the hospital, tears were streaming down his face. He didn't know where he wanted to go, everywhere in this city just reminded him of Phil. Dan reached into his pocket and found some cash.
He began walking towards the nearest bus stop, hoping to get as far out of town as possible. He didn't want to think about Phil. Dan powered his phone off and shoved it in his back pocket.

How long has Phil liked Mariah? Did he ever stop liking Mariah? Was I just a joke to him? Were we just a joke? Did he use me to make Mariah jealous?  Did he ever love me?

Dan got on a bus, which would take him to the beach. He and Phil never really went to the beach, because Phil would just burn and the water was too cold for them to swim anyways. He tried not to focus on Phil, his laugh, his kisses, how calming he was. It was all an act. Dan let out a muffled sob into his sweater sleeve.
The sweater Phil gave him.
He immediately pulled it off him. He'd rather be cold than be inside Phil's sweater. It still smelled like Phil, because he didn't wear it often. Dan shoved it into his bag. His black shirt now suddenly feeling like it perfectly reflected his mood, which it didn't just an hour ago.
When Dan got off the bus, he had no idea where he wanted to go. The wind had picked up and it was freezing cold. Goddammit, I am never wearing Phil's sweater again. He sat on a bench and watched the waves roll in and out, a soothing loop. At some point, he stopped focusing on Phil and started focusing on the waves. How they always competed to get down to the shore first, the way they crashed and collided no matter how small, the way they seemed to disappear as soon as they appeared.

Phil's love disappeared as soon as it appeared.

"Fuck" Dan mumbled. He was thinking about Phil, again. The sun was setting but he didn't care anymore. His parents could call him as much as they wanted but Dan wouldn't answer.

He began watching the horizon, the way the clouds shifted from light grey to orange, purple to blue, blue to black. Dan finally got up and turned on his phone

99+ unread messages 50 missed calls

Dan checked to see how many were from his parents.

'R u coming home 4 dinner or not' 
'i will b late leave some in the fridge thx' 
Dan responded, before walking back to the bus stop.

When he got on the bus, he wasn't angry, or sad, he felt alone. For the first time in months.
Dan felt truly alone.

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