Alternate Ending-

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Didn't like the ending I gave? Okay- Let's go back in time.

12:10 A.M

"Phil Lester?" A nurse approached Phil.
"How is he? Is he okay? Will he be okay?" Phil was panicking.
"He has woken up, and he would like to speak to you" She smiled
The nurse lead Phil down the corridor to where Dan was.


"Dan!" Phil gasped, running over to Dan, before kissing him.
"I'm so sorry that-"
"It doesn't matter, you're- you're alive" Phil was crying. "I love you so much, I don't know what I would do without you."
"This reminds me of something" Dan giggled. "Remember, 10 years ago?" Dan smiled lightly.
"How could I forget-" Phil motioned towards the long scars down his left arm.
"I love you more, though" Dan smiled, remembering what Phil said
"Ha- We have been through this Howell."
"I love you more."
"Bullshit" Phil laughed.


When Dan was allowed out of the hospital, Phil made sure that Dan checked both ways before he crossed the road.
"Welcome home, Bear" Phil laughed as Dan walked in.
Dan hugged Phil and kissed him.
"I can't wait to spend my forever with you" Phil smiled
"I can't wait, either."
They finished setting up their bedroom and Phil's 'bedroom'. They also finished setting up the gaming room.


"So- are we gonna go through with adopting her?" Phil looked up from his laptop
"I want to-" Dan looked at Phil "But won't we have to out ourselves?" Dan looked worried.
"Well, do you want to have to take your wedding ring off before going anywhere or filming a video?" Phil cocked his head to the side.
"You're right. I want us to be out." Dan smiled. "When should we film the video?"
"No- Let's be assholes, and do a DITL, but act like how we normally do."
"Minus the sex?" Dan giggled
"What do you think, Howell?" Phil rolled his eyes but giggled too.

Phil had been calling Dan 'Howell' more since he wasn't going to be Daniel Howell for much longer.

They fell asleep


"Hey, guys! I just woke up and it's like 9 a.m!" Phil smiled at the camera. "Since we have a lot we need to do today, I'm gonna wake Dan up-" Phil shook Dan's shoulder.
"What the fUCK BABE ITS 9 AM" Dan sighed, looking at his phone.
"We have stuff to do today though" Phil smiled at Dan.
"Fine-" Dan kissed Phil on the cheek "Goodmorning or whatever"
"Want coffee?" Phil giggled
"What the fuck do you think, Lester?"
Phil got up, stopped recording, threw on some more socially acceptable clothes, then walked downstairs and continued vlogging.


"Okay so- this is the main reason we're doing a day in the life-" Dan was holding the camera in the back of the car "Meet Teddy! The new addition to our family!" He pointed the camera at the Shiba Inu pup.

"Babe if you keep playing copyright music I will actually Bluetooth my phone and play fucking yodelling boy remixes" Dan sighed
"But that meme is so old" Phil sounded defeated
"I win" Dan mumbled to the camera.


"I hope you enjoyed the day in the life!" Phil smiled as he did the outro.

"Bye guys!" They said in unison. When Dan put his hand over the camera, Phil leaned in to kiss him. 
"Have fun editing bleeps in for every time I swore" Dan laughed.
"I hate you" Phil muttered
"Love you too" Dan smiled.


After editing the video, Phil waited until 11 pm, before uploading the video.

'Day in the life of Dan and Phil, DOG EDITION!'

He then closed his computer, wanting to ignore all the comments he knew would come.


"Goodmorning babe" Dan kissed Phil as he opened his twitter "Jesus fucking Christ, everyone has lost their shit over the video we made" He laughed
"Did we get a twitter moment?" Phil looked at Dan's phone
"FUCK YEAH WE DID" They high-fived.
"So- am I allowed to make a video about sexuality?" Dan looked at Phil
"Sure babe"


"We are both bisexual, even though you probably already knew from our Formspring" Phil heard Dan say.
Phil was in the kitchen, preparing lunch.
"PHIL" Dan yelled, Phil ran upstairs to Dan.
"Should we Livestream our wedding on younow as a joke?" He laughed.
"YES!" Phil smiled
"Then it's settled."
"Lunch is ready soon- so you can either finish your video now or you can after lunch."
"I want lunchussy" Dan winked
"No" Phil laughed.


"I'm nervous-" Dan was jumping up and down, shaking his hands.
"I highly doubt that Phil would decide against marrying you." Louise laughed.
"Is it actually being live-streamed?" Dan laughed
"Yep!" She smiled. "I'm about to set it up-"
"Go go go!" Dan smiled "Once it's live, I can go walk down the aisle and marry Phil already."

Louise set it up, and the Livestream began.


"Philip Micheal Lester, do you take Daniel James Howell to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do." Phil smiled
"And do you, Daniel James Howell take Philip Micheal Lester to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do" Dan grinned.


"I still can't believe we live-streamed this" Dan whispered in Phils' ear as they walked down the aisle together.
"The most ironic wedding, ever" Phil kissed Dan.

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