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Dan looked at the message appear on his screen.

Call 999

Dan frantically began dialling the numbers.
"Hello 999 how may I help you"
"Can I please have an ambulance?" Dan was crying
"Whats the address?"
Dan gave Phis address to the lady and explained he didn't know why Phil needed an ambulance. But that he did.
Once the call finished, he ran to Phil's house.


Dan banged on the door as hard as he could. He heard footsteps, slow and soft.
"Dan? Why are you here so late?" Phil's mum's face was red and puffy, she had been crying.
"W-Where's Phil?" Dan gasped
"I don't know? I went to bed before him" His mum looked tired.
"M-May I please c-come in and look f-for him?"
"Of course. Dan" She opened the door and Dan ran upstairs.

First, he checked Phil's bedroom. It was cold and lifeless. Dan panicked even more.
He saw a light coming from the bathroom.
"Phil?" He sobbed, knocking on the door.
No response.
Dan looked under the door and saw red.
"No" Dan sobbed louder, Phil's mum ran over.
"What is he-" She saw Dan's face and panicked.
She went to her room to grab the bathroom key and gave it to Dan
"How did you know he would be-"
"H-he told me to call 999" Dan wiped his tears as he tried to unlock the door.

When the door opened, Dan ran inside, Kathy was shocked.
"No. He can't, not after- Not again- no-" She wiped her tears and ran to her bedroom.
"Phil- I- P-please don't leave me" He cried, holding Phil's body, putting his hand on Phil's chest for a pulse, for any proof his boyfriend was still there.
"I n-need you, Phil. I need you, y-your mum needs you, Winston n-needs you. Please d-don't go" He sobbed, as he heard sirens in the distance. He picked up the piece of paper next to Phil.

"Phil I need you alive." He whispered into Phil's ear, without a stutter. Hoping that would open his eyes. 

The paramedics ran into the bathroom, they picked Phil up with a stretcher and carried him out of the house. One paramedic took Dan and Phil's mum to the ambulance, but Phil's mum said she 'couldn't bare going' and told Dan to take her place.
Dan nodded, climbing into the ambulance.


Phil looked so peaceful as the paramedics were checking on him. Dan couldn't help but cry. He began tracing his scars with his finger, remembering when he first talked to Phil. The night before that, Dan had written NOBODY on his arm with his knife. Dan realised now, Phil had similar scars on his arm to him. Phil cut too.

"Hey!" A young boy with ginger hair ran over to Dan, which was surprising. Nobody ever talked to Dan, he was always too tall for his age and smiled at everyone who went past him, which nobody liked. He was also 'emo' cause he only wore black. He also stuttered, constantly.
"U-um h-hey" Dan grabbed his right arm and looked awkwardly at the floor.
"My names Phil! Wanna help me catch a frog?" Phil smiled.
Dan was slightly confused. Why would any 14-year-old boy care about frogs? Shouldn't they be caring about fucking their babysitter for a bet?
"S-sure?" He smiled back. Phil was taller than Dan, but not by much.
"Cool! Follow me!" Phil ran down the path, Dan followed, trying to ignore the bullies yelling at Phil.
"Oi! Don't be surprised when Gaylord over here whips out his tiny peen to Philly" "Philussy and Gaylord sitting in the tree F-U-C-K-I-N-G" "I didn't know Lester was GAY too!"
When they got to where the frogs were, Dan began apologizing.
"I'm s-so sorry they-- I- I- I'm s-sorry I e-ever talked t-to you I- I- I s-should just g-go" Dan began walking away
Phil laughed "don't even worry! I have been called much worse"
That was the moment Dan wanted to become Phil's friend.
"How b-bad is much w-worse?" Dan laughed.

Dan looked over at Phil again. Is that the same Phil he fell in love with four years ago? No, he's even better. Now he's confident, funny and most importantly, now he's Dans. 

"Dan. I know you probably don't feel the same but- I think I like you"
Dan looked over, Phil's face was red, and his black fringe flopped down, hiding his eyes.
"Phil-" Dan smiled as Phil looked up
"I th-think I like you too" Dan giggled
Dan's face was centimetres from Phils.
Phil closed the gap.
It was the most magical feeling in Dan's life. It was so much better than kissing Jessica under the bleachers. Phil was gentle as if one false move and Dan would disappear. Jessica didn't care, she just wanted to say she kissed a guy under the bleachers when she was 13.

Dan sighed. 
"I think I l-like you" He mumbled under his breath.

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