Chapter 26

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After my argument with Harry, I suddenly realised that today is the day of the auditions. I'd decided what part and rehearsed that part so that it was stuck in my brain like glue. Now I just needed to pass the auditions.

When I checked my phone I had seven texts.


Good luck for the auditions! Will be crossing my fingers for ya all day!xxxxx


Audition time nearly! Hope it goes well for you!:)xxx


Hey! Good luck with your auditions for Fall today. I hope u get the part xox


Hi, good luck for auditions:)


You'll walk the auditions! Fingers crossed u get ur part!x

Auntie Kate:

You said the audition thing that you were telling me about is today,good luck!!xxxx

I smiled to myself and replied to each of them, thanking them for caring so much. And explaining how much it means.


At 3:30, I decided I was all ready. I'd spent most of the day with Rosie, going through my rehearsal, until I decided it was complete.

When I got into the right room, I opened the door and room was buzzing with people. I found this desk near the back of the room with three people sat on it so I decided to ask them.

"Hi, is this where I sign up?" I asked a man with a bald head and a weird scarf thing on. His name badge read 'Steve'.

"Yep. What's your name darling?" He asked.

"Abi Young," I reply.

He writes my name down on a clipboard. "And who are you auditioning to be today?" He asks.

"Dotty," I exclaim.

"Okay," he writes that down too, "if you'd like to wait around for a bit, until it's time for the auditions."

I nod and begin walking around the place. I read some things on the walls that I've never really acknowledged before. They were quite interesting actually. Another ten or so minutes passes.

Another man with locks of short, blonde hair and glasses slipping down his nose, walks onto the stage and taps the mic several times before speaking, "hello everyone. The auditions will now start, when we read out a name, you shall come into the room next door to this one, and have your audition. Thank you."

He begins looking down at the clipboard in his hand. "First up, Jordan Simpson."

A boy from a crowd of people leaps up and begins galloping like an excited pony out of the room and all of his friends cheer him and wish him good luck.

Loads of auditions pass and I begin getting kind of bored. I watch the clock in the corner tick as a second disappears and another comes round.

"Georgia Jones."

I look up and watch a girl nervously leave the room.

The man comes back a few minutes later, walks back onto the stage and announces the next name, "Harry Styles."

My heart stops at the sound of that name, I almost twist my neck right around when I turn my head at the speed of light. I search the room like some kind of idiot, trying to find Harry. Then I see him, and making it even worse, he looks adorably cute. His wispy hair and emerald eyes, his jeans and his loose tops.

My breathe hitches and he leaves the room awkwardly.

No, Abi, I tell myself, you've gotta let it go. He kissed another girl, although you weren't technically dating, that's still low. No, Abi.

I stand up straight, not caring.

No one's going to walk in here and destroy my chances of living my dreams. No one, but no one.

Minutes of deep thinking rushes through my mind until the man comes back, "Abi Young."

My cheeks burn red although I don't know why as I leave the room, not caring about the many eyes staring down at me.

When I walk into the room there are three people on seats at a desk, and a podium at the front.

They tell me to go onto the podium and so I do.

"So," one of the women with black hair in a ponytail says to me, "Abi, you want to try out for Dotty?"

I nod.

"Whenever you're ready."

I nod again.

My hands are now shaking like mad, and my heart is beating like a drum. I take a deep breathe however, and begin the audition.

I do the scene where she's admitting her love towards Charlie. She begins talking about how she loves him so sweetly and that she her feelings are so strong for him. This, of course, only makes me think of Harry.

It comes to the part where I have to cry. And I do. They may think it's a fake cry, but to me, it's real. I let out all the tears that have been loading up inside me, the ones from the Harry situation, home sickness, my parents, Chelsea, everything.

When I'm finished, they all look at me, with shock in their faces, until one of them claps, and so the others join in. I smile shyly.

"That was great, Abi. But can you sing?" The same woman asks.

"I think so," I exclaim, not really knowing what else to say.

"Show us." Steve, who I only just noticed is here, says.

"Um, okay."

I suddenly get really nervous, my palms sweating.

I sing Let Her Go by Passenger again.

When I'm done they all smile at me.

"Simply amazing." They exclaim.

"Thanks," I say, knowing they are just saying that.

"We will get back to you shortly on who's got the part, if you'd like to go back into the waiting room."

I nod and walk out of the room, feeling as though several weights have suddenly dropped from my shoulders.

Now for the results..


Um, so I felt like updating. Trying to get it all up before I forget and you know.

I feel weird because I'm excited for school and idk why. And I'm also missing my friends bc some have gone away on this trip shiz.

Anyway hope you enjoyed<3

~A :)x

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