Chapter 36

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So we got rid of the bitch.

She had to go off to meet her friends who she claimed were glamorous and shiz.

"Yeah, haha, bye," me and Harry tried to get her out of the door of the cafe so that we could eat in peace.

Me and Harry then went to the cinema and watched The Fault In Our Stars.

It was actually really amazing and what made it better is that I was with Harry. We brought popcorn and drinks and went into the cinema and sat right at the back in the corner. At the end(no spoilers), I looked over at Harry and saw a tear fall from his eye but he wiped it away quickly. I smiled in awe at his cuteness, before kissing a quick kiss to his lips.

We came out and went back to see Auntie Kate. She wasn't in so we spent some time together in the living room.

"Let's get to know each other a tiny bit more," Harry had said.

"Okay," I grinned.

"Favourite song?" He asked.

"Hmm, Fancy by Iggy Azalea," I admitted, "you?"

"I don't have a favourite song," he decided.

I thought for a second, "Best memory?"

He laughs slightly, "has to be when me and Louis went for an ice cream when we were little on our own because we had snuck out. He was round my house and I wasn't supposed to be out of the house but we both really wanted ice creams. So we climbed the fence and then went round the corner to the ice cream can but it was gone. We were really upset and everything so we started walking back. But suddenly something grasped Louis' shoulder and he screamed really, really loudly like a girl and then he turned around to see it was his Mum. Us two idiots got seriously told off but I still laugh at the memory," he explains to me.

"Sounds like fun," I reply.

"It was, anyway you?"

I shrug, "anytime that I spent with my parents,"

He looks at me sadly.

But still goes on to say, "next one, worst lie?"

I blush red at the thought of something that happened in primary school.

He laughs at my red cheeks, "what is it?"

"Nothing.." I lie.

"You're lying," he accuses, "tell me."

I give in, "fine, when I was little, I used to never have enough time to do my homework because I was too busy in the imaginary life of my own. I had a whole book of excuses. From 'my dog ate my homework' to 'a llama burst through the door and stole it'. The other kids used to tease me and say that I was a massive liar and I guess they just hated me," I laughed.

"Aw, babe," Harry says, hugging me.

"It's okay, I'm just being stupid, your go?"

"I don't know, I'm just an all around terrible liar," he admits.

"Okay," We continue talking for a while, until Auntie Kate comes in with a bag of shopping, claiming to have brought us pizzas.

We all sat in the living room eating them on the floor, in front of the TV. It was the sort of life that I missed.

We watched some stupid romcom, Harry loved it and Auntie Kate equally went along with enjoying the film, as did I.

Halfway through the film, I shuffled around next to Harry a bit, and suddenly he pulled me into a tight hug, and we stayed together watching the film, my head on his shoulder.

Auntie Kate turned over and realised, "awe, you two."

"Auntie Kate!" I said, embarrassed, whereas Harry just laughed.


Short and crap update, I know, I'm sorry!

Thanks so much for reading <3

~A ;)x

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