Chapter 14

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*Harry's POV*

I texted Chelsea as soon as I got out of Starbucks. After speaking to Rosie, I'd decided what to do.


Can we meet?

She texted back straight away, no surprise. She's always on her phone.

Yh. Were?xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I gathered that she mean where.


At the Field View Park.


K xxxxxxxxxx will be there in 5 mins


I arrived at the park and sat down on the nearest bench. I thought through exactly what I was going to say.

No going back. No regrets.

I carried on panicking inside my head until suddenly she turned up. A short and tight skirt around her butt and a vest top. Geez, life isn't a fashion show.

"Hey babe!" She came over and sat next to me, attempting to snog me.

Erm.. No.

"I need to talk to you. It's kind of important." I say, running my fingers through my hair.

"Sure babe."

"Recently we've been.. Drifting apart. And I think it's time we .. Split up." She begins panicking. "You're not how you used to be. You've become selfish and mean. I don't want to date somebody like that."

She looks as if I just slapped her. "Wha-what? That's not true!"

I raise my eyebrows. "But it's not just that.."

"This is Abi, isn't it?" The waterworks turn on. She sits there sobbing into her handbag.

I gulp. But ignore her comment. "No it's just.. I'm sorry. But you'll find somebody better, who will treat you right."

I stand up and begin walking away. She starts yelling, calling me all sorts of names. But I carry on walking.

No going back. No regrets.

Next I reach for my phone in my jean pocket. I see the text that I opened up from Abi a while ago but chose to ignore. I regret that. I regret it all.

But I don't know my real feelings yet. I don't want to mess anybody around. But now I'm free. Free from the life I was once living.

I'm free.

*Abi's POV*

I've finished The Fault In Our Stars. And have cried over it a lot. But no spoilers ;)

My phone goes off, I expect it to be Rosie or Emma. But 'Harry' pops up.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. Can we chat?x -H

I smile slightly. I haven't smiled in ages. It feels weird..




Meet you there in 10 minutes -H

When I got there, there was no sign of Harry. I sat on one of the sofas and tried to look busy by opening up the nearest book and reading. I heard footsteps enter the library but I kept my head down, looking at the book.

The footsteps got closer, until suddenly I felt a shadow over me.

I looked up and Harry stood over me, a concerned look on his face.

"I'm free." Was the first thing he said.

He's free?


Did a double update today bc I felt like it :))

So.. Harry's free..

Next updates are gonna be good hopefully :)


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