Chapter 42

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Me and Harry set off at 11:00 ish to go to his Mum's. We loaded the bags into the back of his car and got in the car and then began driving.

We got into all weird types of conversations along the way that had me laughing way too hard.

Harry was laughing but then suddenly his face became serious and he asked, "can I talk to you about your parents?"

"Sure," I said, not really minding.

"Did you get along well with both of them?" He asks, twitching his nose slightly.

"Yeah, really well. We were so close but you know," I shrugged.

"Okay," he said, "do you not like talking about them?"

"I don't really mind, sometimes it brings back memories but other times it's fine," I exclaim.

"Okay, do you wanna talk about them now or shall I leave it?"

"It's up to you," I smile weakly.

We end up talking about them for a while. He asks me questions and I'd answer truthfully. But soon we came to a small cafe with benches, a park and a big field outside. Harry stopped the car in the car park and we wandered into the cafe to get some lunch, whilst holding hands.

"My sister is excited to meet you," Harry says.

"Wow, really?"

"Yeah, she told me last night, on the phone." He says.

"Well, I'm excited to meet her," I say, biting into the sandwich that we just brought.

He laughs, "that's what you think now."

"What?" I ask, taking a sip of Sprite.

"She can be annoying but I love her really," he laughs.

I smile and go back to eating my sandwich. Another ten minutes passes before we're back on the road.

We pass some places that Harry recognises and he points them out to me, telling me memories that he remembers there. Soon, without realising, we start driving up into a driveway.

"We're here?" I ask, sounded more surprised than I expected to.

"Yep, home sweet home," Harry grins, looking at the homely house.

He jumps out of the car and opens the boot, whilst I slowly get out.

Suddenly a lady comes rushing out of the door and she squeals when she sees Harry, "Harry!"

Harry gasps and hugs the lady, "mum! Are you alright?"

"I am now!" She grins and then suddenly notices me, "and you must be the gorgeous Abi that Harry has been telling me all about!"

"Yep, that's me," I smile, not knowing what the hell else to say.

She takes me in for a tight hug and I do hug back.

She ushers me into the house with Harry trailing behind with all the bags, I immediately feel bad and take two of the bags off of him, mumbling a sorry, and in response, Harry just laughs.

I look around the tidy and comfortable house, taking in the homeliness.

Anne smiles fondly and continues talking to Harry, asking how he is and how collage is.

"Gemma is still at work," she says.

"When does she get back?" Harry asks her.

"Not for another hour and a bit," Anne says, looking at her watch.

Harry grins, "we'll go see her then."

"Are you sure? Don't annoy her, Harry, you know that she's at work and how annoyed she'll be if you show her up," Anne says to him.

Harry scoffs, "when am I ever embarrassing?"

I scoff and immediately apologise when they both look at me.

"Okay, you can go but please be good," she says and looks at me, "make sure he's not too much of an idiot."

I laugh, "okay. I'll try."

She smiles fondly again and then walks into the kitchen, leaving us there.

"Let's go," Harry chucks the car keys in the air and catches them.

We get back into the car and begin driving.

"Where does she work?" I ask Harry.

"This cute cafe on the corner of town," Harry says.

"Cute?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Yeah, cute," he looks at me and winks, and I just laugh.

We soon arrive at the 'cute cafe' and Harry parks and runs around the car to open it for me, helping me out like a real gentleman.

"My lady," he says in a posh voice.

I laugh and shake my head, holding hands with him and walking into the cafe.

When we get in, Harry points to a girl with blondey hair who's facing the other way and talking to somebody over a table.

She stands up straight and walks up to the next table that doesn't have anybody at it but there are dirty plates and stuff on it. It's still facing the other way and slowly Harry let's go of my hand and sneaks up on her, pinching her ribs and the girl flinches, drops the tray in her hand on the table and squeals, not yet looking up at Harry.

"Excuse me.. What do you th-" she looks up and sees Harry, astonished, she immediately hugs him, "Hazza!"

"Hey Gem!" He says, hugging her back.

She let's go and looks around, not noticing me, "where's Abi, oh my, did she not come? Did you break up? God, I'm so sorry, please say you're not with Chelsea again, ew. Why are you smiling, oh my gawd you are not with Chelsea, heavens."

"Gem, quit rambling," he laughs. He then walks towards me and grabs my hand, taking me to meet Gemma. "Gemma, this is my girlfriend, Abi. Abi, this is my rambling sister, Gemma."

"Hi," I mumble awkwardly.

"Hey!" She says. "Wow, Hazza, how did you get her to go out with you? She's gorgeous."

I blush and Harry laughs, playfully hitting Gemma around the shoulder. "I know, I'm one lucky guy."

"Aw, you two," she says.

Suddenly, a table calls her over, "sorry guys, got to go. But my shift ends in an hour so I'll be back home then, can't wait to get to know you more, Abi." She ruffles Harry's hair, "bye."

"Oi!" Harry says, whacking her hand away. "Bye."


Happy 4 year anniversary guys! Gawd, can't believe it's 4 years.

And OMG can't believe the book is nearly over, it's only a few more chapters left! Like, what!

Remember to check out my Louis fanfic on my profile:)


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