Chapter 18- Mothers Never Mean Anything Good

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I scrambled for Rickey after pulling my eyes from the confusing sight. Jessica and Hally? Friends? I thought as I pulled Rickey into view of the odd sight. His jaw dropped, too.

"Sweet Mother of all that is wrong in the world," He said, not able to detach his eyes. My only response was," I know right." He was bent more on standing and staring like a stalker but I wanted to go over there and figure out what in the world was happening.

When I stepped forward, Rickey yanked me back with a lot of force. I would have hit the wall if he hadn't also pulled me forward before my head would collide with a wall. I shook free and took long strides toward the girls.

"Hey, Jessica! How long have you been out of the hospital? I haven't see you around. Did they clip your Aneurysm?" I said. The girls pulled apart and wiped away the tears on their cheeks. Hally gave me a horrid look of disgust. Her pointed nose made her look snooty, proud, and arrogant.

"Just got out. And they didn't get the brain thing fixed yet. They are flying in a doctor from Austria because it is in a very tricky place. Oh, and thanks by the way, for, ya know, not letting me die the other day."

Hally's disgusted look faded ever so slightly at the comment. I couldn't put my finger on it but the girl had something about her that made me want to give her a nose job with the help of my right hook. She had something indescribable in every fiber of her being that rubbed my nerves raw.

A nurse came and took Hally to her room leaving me to question the living crap out of Jessica. "Umm... care to explain?" I said looking her square in the eyes. "What? Hally is a friend; we grew up together."

My first thought was, Ohh... you were part of the Suicide Brigade, too. That seemed a bit to harsh. "So, what, you like gave her food when she was living on the streets?" Jessica gave me an angry look," You are the all-knowing one. Figure it out on your own."

She began to walk away but I stopped her with a comment that shocked even me when I said it," I know but I have enough human decency not to pry through your mind like it is the principles filing cabinet. I could find out really quick but that makes people hate me even quicker."

I thought she was walking over to say what she did for her but instead she came to try to tell me off and spill. Little did she know that having a degree in being way better at telling people off came with the whole all- knowingness thing. Here's what happened:

"You think that trying to get me to open up is any less prying? Do you think that you are some super special person. You have like a mini satan in your brain; that isn't something to be to proud of."

"Okay first off, asking is a lot less prying than physically going inside your Hippocampus and digging through each memory until I find what I am looking for, but not only that, I would, in the process, have learned every ounce of everything that has ever happened to you in your living life.

"Second, Xander isn't a mini Satan. And if he was, it is better to have a mini satan than to be best buds with the real Satan."

"She isn't Satan. She had a hard life. She was left in the streets after birth and left to die but my dad found her and we took care of her but never actually adopted her or anything. She lived in the streets but we gave her food and clothes. So really you need to stop judging some one you don't know."

"She wanted to get rid of her own life and trust me, I have grown up with a mind set twenty years or more older than my own so at age three when my parents were screaming and my sister was hiding me in a closet because the other was trying to drown me, I wanted my life over, too.

"So I know what she's been through and I have read her mind. I really just wanted your story because I might not know you but I find that I can trust you. So I know how hard her life was or is, but that doesn't excuse what goes on in her head. So maybe you should stop judging me; my all- knowingness might be strange to you, but you are just mad that my mini satan filled life amounts to more than yours ever will."


"Oh and you are welcome for having enough mercy on your pitiful life and not letting them simply kill you the other day."

I walked away from her with no regret about my statements. She was blank and expressionless. She lost the tears and the anger in her eyes and replaced the hatred with a cold, blankness.

I went to Rickey and grabbed his shirt collar. He didn't resist me dragging him by the shirt to the window. " She knew her. She was like her big sister for like years. She knew her. I am a moron and she was innocent and I barked at her. God, I suck as a person."

Rickey leaned against the wall," Ya you kinda suck." I punched him in the arm and he jumped back at the impact. He yelped and rubbed his shoulder.

"You're a douche bag!" I screamed at him. He giggled and smiled a new goofy smile that broke me and made me laugh uncontrollably. We laughed and laughed until James came running to us.

He said nothing other than move. We did as he said. I thought he was taking us to some emergent situation but when he sent us to an office with both of our mothers sitting with stuck up faces, in pant suits, waiting with sad eyes, we were very disappointed.

"Mother, what in the name of Satan are you doing here?" Rickey said walking closer to his mom. "Richard, don't speak that way to me or any other person." She said grabbing his wrist and looking him square in the eyes with anger in hers.

"The minute you let me see Janney, Marge, and Jilly, I will do something you ask. Now mother, shall I ask you to get your annoying self, for lack of a better word, out of the room or shall I leave?"

James butted in before Rickey did something very regrettable. I couldn't stop thinking about how awful people might think Rickey is but I knew that he was beaten and his mother was crap and that he took on defending his baby sister at a young age. He had resentment embedded in his mind when it came to his mother.

"You both can't have contact anymore so we wanted you to be able to say good bye." James said. Rickey and I both laughed hard and without regret but everyone looked confused. We stopped laughing when everyone froze.

"I ,for one, don't need any goodbye, I need my sisters. So umm... Don't let the door hit you on the way out." Rickey said. "Amen!" I retorted. Rickey and I turned to walk away but James stopped us.

"You don't understand," James said," you two can't see each other. Rickey is being released. You two wont see each other again."

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