Chapter 25- Let's Just Say I Stabbed Someone

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I sprung up from my chair and knocked several people over just to get to Rickey. I launched myself into his arm and the minute I collided with him, he caught me had wrapped his hands around my back. My legs were wrapped around his midsection and his was holding me up in the air.

But one other thing happened when I collided with Rickey; I felt the vacancy fill with something so unfamiliarly familiar that it gave me goose bumps. Xander, I said in my head with my hopes so high I could taste the clouds.

Yes Katrina. I am here, I heard a rough deep voice say. My heart was about to pump out of my chest with rushing excitement. I finally had my two best friends back. I was in the arms of someone I barely knew but never wanted to leave his side, and I had the thing that has been with me all my life back.

I jumped from his arms and let my eyes trail down his body. He was wearing black shirt and black sweat pants and barefoot. I was beating him in the race for bigger muscles but he wasn’t' all bad. I mean he could pick me up and hold me in the air. (even if I am only 77 pounds of pure muscle...)

"I will talk to you later Kay. I have to go give blood to the evil nurses upstairs and then when everything is over, we'll talk." I nodded in response and Rickey was out the door before I could blink.

I walked over to Damian and plopped down in my chair. "You seem happier," Damian said with a bright smile. "I am so freaking happy right now, I could kiss you." I said. He got a dreamy look in his eyes and said," Then do it, Ms. Happy."

I bit my lip to hold back my laughter and to try and stop myself from blushing. But Damian kept his fierce, dreamy look locked on me with a silly half smile that, honestly, made me want to kiss him.

I snapped out of my frozen trace that Damian's eyes put me in. "What? No... I can't kiss you." He gave me puppy dog eyes and stuck out his bottom lip," Is it because of your boyfriend?" "What? Rickey isn't my boyfriend, he's my best friend." "Okay, whatever you say…" Damian teased.

A wave of words hit me. It was everything about Damian, from birth until now. I quickly stopped the flow of information as I thought, Hmm... What if I try actually making friends with him instead of knowing everything about his entire life? The thought was foreign and odd but something seemed right about it.

I opened my mouth to ask Damian a question but then a guard signalled for all of the kids going back to the juvi prison to follow him. Damian rose from his chair and whispered in my ear, " Later, Kitty." I wanted to punch him so hard because well most of my siblings had nicknames for me:

Kathy called me Kay-baby

Kathrine always referred to me as Kitten

Katie refused to talk to me because she really didn't like me

Katlyn named me Kay-Kay

Keenan called me Red for reasons unknown

Keith wouldn't talk to me

Keevan had always called me Kat

Kaleb never spoke directly to me because he didn't like me

But Karrie was the only one who was allowed to call me Kitty because in the rare case that she would speak to me nicely I liked to make her feel like I liked her back, so I let her have a nickname only used by her.

My mom never strayed from calling me Katapult, just because she like to call me that.

My dad, however wanted to call me Kat and I let him until the divorce came along and I didn't allow him to speak to me.

I wanted to punch him because that was Karrie's pet name for me and no one else could call me that, but he was like a walking dream. I don't know why, especially because I was ten, but I could and wanted to hear Damian talk to me for the rest of my life.

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